((OOC: Peltarch DM))

  • As Caoimh has left, I'll be filling in for the NPC's and such around Peltarch that have no DM assigned to them. Sorry this took so long to post, haven't been feeling to great and been busy at work. If you have any questions for the Peltarch NPC's or anything in general about the city, feel free to send a PM my way.

    Just mark the PM with "Peltarch:Title" in the subject bar, so I can keep my inbox organized, thank you. With luck by the end of the week I'll be back into things and feeling a bit better.

  • ((To those of you who have PM's waiting to be responded too. I'm not around much atm as I'm sorting a few things out in RL. I haven't forgotten and will get to them as soon as I'm possible. Hopefully the next few weeks will see things settled down for me. Until then my time IG or even answering PM's will be limited.