IC: Mischevious Behaviour
Bridie mutters something incoherent as she holds the tunic in her hands-
"ise coulds bash a spidie wiv dis nah !" She swears loudly and stalks off to ther stream near her tent and washes the tunic again, still swearing.
Later on she can be seen wandering through the forrest , exclaiming happily every so often, as she picks something opff the ground. She returns to her tent and strange cacckles and flashes of light can be heard to any that care to pay attention.
The next day, all who sleep in the gali hut wake after a restless nights sleep, scratching at some unknown thing in thier bedding to find a note on the walls in common:
"FOr the folly of one, all will pay."
Aniel runs up to Bridie a few days later, smacks her on the back side in greeting and hands Bridie's tunic back
Thar yous gah, ya festerin skank likka! is kleen nah huh?
Cackling, Aniel skips off before Bridie can react to the board-stiff, starched-to-a-plank tunic in her hands.
Bridie wakes and turns over to find she has again fallen out of her bed. "feckin ells"
she stands and dresses carefully, wiping the sleep from her eyes and makes her way groggily to the door…"too much ta drinks last night.. me tongue feels laihk sme kina small furry beast... ghaa!!!!"
SHe cries out as the bucket of mud lands squarely on her head, dousing her new outfit in festering stinking goop.
Her eyes flash gold a moment and she mutters
"sista , ise gahn gets ye good fer this un... " SHe grins , and strips naked, walking out into the camp clad only in the mud in her hair, with a dripping , sodden tunic over her arm.
Seeing aniel by the fires she smirk, and moving swift and quiet she stands behind her.... appearing long enough to dump the sodden clothes in ANiels lap... "Feckin Boo!!!"
SHe licks her palm and slicks it down aniels cheek, leaning over her back, Still bare assed naked... "wash tha fer me will ye sista!"
She giggles as some of the goop falls from her hair onto aniels and skips off to the spring to bathe.
- a furtive figure slips quietly into the Gali house, carrying a small bucket in one hand. Her eyes shine in the darkness, as she carefully places a chair at the base of the inner door to the sleeping room and climbs onto the chair. She carefully balances the bucket full of mud at the top of the slightly ajar door. She clamps a hand accross her own mouth to stifle a giggle. She leaves again just as quietly, after replacing the chair.*
sees ael watching hte feathered freinds from the quiet corner she and terrick have set up their small tent in- SHe waves, trying hard not to laugh out loud.
-shakes her head and returns to the tent, tryimng to wake the sleepy Terrick-
_As the Oath-takers stumble out of the sleeping room covered in feathers, Ael leans back against the tanning shack, watching them all.
A slight smile slowly creeps across his face as he watches their reactions.
"That is why I sleep outside" He says with a smirk.
He then wanders off to the outer camp, he seems to be searching for someone_
Kaona slowly wakes up rubbing at her nose as a feather lies tickling it every time that she breathes. Sitting up she sees all the feathers and tries not to start chuckling.
Cotton!! You sneaky little sow!!
She jumps up shaking the feathers off of her and runs out of the shack in search of Cotton.
Marek wakes to the feathers and stands to dust himself off with little emotion. He then takes a few of the feathers and tucks them away in a pocket.
Hmm. Well might be useful.
Ox awakens to find himself covered in feathers
he leaps into the air waving his arms and smacks down hard onto the ground.
ow..me not fly
he leaves the hut rubbing his sore spots and spends ours watching the chickens to learn how to fly.
he eventually gets hungry and wonders off…spending hours covered in feathers until he's told gently that he's not a bird and to go wash.
he looks dissapointed about the revealation and goes washes the feather off himself.
Covers her mouth trying not to laugh at Raven as he explains
Umm.. well, ya knows der some silly folks liven heres. But me swears me not have nuppin ta does wit its or umm… giggles well, not dis times anyhows.
innocent smile
After spending his first ever night at the camp "sleeping on taking his oath" Raven awakes with a mighty roar, WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS, who did this? I'm No chicken! storms out of the rest room to seek out cotton ((when he finds her he explains about the feathers and asks what she thinks of it looking alittle amused after he calmed down))
…. The next morning, anyone awakening in the gaje sleeping room will notice they are covered in chicken feathers. It appears some wacko has snuck in in the middle of the night and emptied bags of feathers on the sleeping occupants....
_Leaning back against one of the trees near the bonfires, Ael stands, twirling a short knife around in his right hand.
The light from the fires reflect off his deep green eyes as they shine brightly from beneath the shadow of his hood.He stops suddenly as Aniel passes. His eyes closely watching her storm through the camp, and chase after Horgan.
His brow narrows. A look of concern crosses his face for a few seconds, his lips slowly twisting into a deep frown.As Lilith takes Aniel back to the hut, he looks aside. His expression blank, his mind lost in deep thought.
With a slight sigh he throws over his dark cloak, drawing an arrow back in his longbow as he stalks off into the shadows._
by the gods, aniel, ive been cooking for you every day, are you eating your food or inhaling it? there is only so much i can bring you without putting myslef at risk too much to get more meat.
but i will try.
aniel, ,it looks like it will be terrick and not valis that will be the childs father now. valis hasbeen missing for so long. cotton wil lhelp teach it elven, as i dont speak it.
lith gets up and proceeds to help aniel back to her hut, then returns to the fores to fetch the third large meal she had prepared, and a little romani to help aniel sleep.
-sighs- i hope terrick is ready for all of this. and i hope the camp is ready for terrick and i as a couple.
Look! There she is! Waddling into the camp, moving like an amorphous ice skater, or perhaps more like a tug boat in heavy seas, listing from side to side, Aniel goes in search of food. Her eyes squint in the blinding morning light, her skin palid from her prolonged hibernation. She holds one hand above her eyes shileding them and peering into the distaance. She spots Horgan, and, stomache out, like the prow of a ship cutting through ocean waves, she advances upon her prey. Horgan spots her, panics, and flees! Her temper has become the stuff o legend of late and he wants no part of it.
"Ah ya fek, Horgan! Gis sum grog, ahs gut a therst ah dus!"
Frowning, she turns her ravenous appetites in Lillith's direction. Grinning, but with a malicious edge, she bumps Lillith with her distended stomache
"ullu lil me sweetie! Dis ere un yous kidly sah fix me sum grub cos tis a fekin ungry liddle monsta!"
Lillith is jolted from her conversation, and looks dwon at the offending belly. Her eyes widen in shock as she witnesses the full enormity of this pregnancy. Shaking her head in disbelief, she looks into aniels eyes with a mixture of fear and pity
Edit: Coming Soon…
lith prepasres a ripaste of roast meat, some tubers, some greens bridie … apropropiated from.. goddess knows where, and some fruits.
she knocks at the door of the hut, and enters.. very shorlty after, she leaves again with and empty plate .. and .. strangely .. some food caught in her hair..
is that a woman i cook for or a voracious beast? she mutters as she heads back to the fires.
gods. breads and fruit jams in the mornings, fresh fruit for lunch, a roast every day.. is it one child she carries or two?
A ragged gaunt faced Aniel waddles into the Fires. She looks about with a hunted hungry gaze and makes her presence known by yelling at the top of her lungs.
"Fekin ells! Wuts ya'll trahin ta do den? Starvin me ta deded? BRING ME SUM FOODS ! Elsun ahs cum bak frum der deded an poke yous all fer eva!"
With that she stomps off to the Gali hut and can be heard yelling at Dahlia to "fek offun stup pestrin mees…"
The door can be heard slamming from the fires.
Its quiet…too quiet.
The usual stream of practicle jokes with giggle accompanyment is absent from the camp.Aniel has been holed up in the Gali house for days now, either curled up in fitful sleep on a pallet or huddled on a chair before the fire, whimpering softly. Her discomfort and illness evident in her pale gaunt visage.
The half full bucket of saliva-vomit further testament that something is wrong.
Occasionally Lillith, Bridie or Cotton can be seen coming and going, bringing food, which is rarely eaten, or news, which is only half listened to.Edit: OOC: You may want to read this too Aniel is Pregnant
"What the hell…?!"
The young Narsfolk male blinks in astonishment and turns to his two older companions.
"Did you guys see that?", he asks barely daring to beleive it himself.
He watches as they look at each other, shrug and nod. Unconcerned they continue to cook ther meal.
"Those Gyppo's are a strange bunch. You'll get used to them", one of his companions says glibly.
The younger man shakes his head still staring off through the rain and mist. The vision of three figures; a dark haired elf, a red haired elf and a dark haired halfing, running screaming and giggling through the night towards Norwick,blue cloaks streaming out behind them....Naked!
Finding Dram to be his usual informative self, Aniel spends some time asking about the camp about the afforementioned incident. The usual variety of bemused and confused looks accompany smiles and shaking heads. Frustrated, she approaches the offending tree, tosses the apple up and down for a moment, then winds up and throws the displaced fruit back into the tree.
Muttering to herself as she wraps her new cloak about her shoulders she sets off for Rawlinds and some goblin hunting.