The Blind Ferret - A Lucky Ferret Fight Night, Saturday 21th

  • The Lucky Ferret Inn proudly presents:

    Night Of The Blind Ferret

    Bobbing For 'Apples'

    _Ahh, the innocence of childhood games.. but this is the Ferret, the seediest bar in all the docks.. what's innocence doing here!? Fear not - the Blind Ferret Apple Bob is a little more adult in nature!

    Contestants (duel format), will be blindfolded and hand-cuffed, standing in vats of the Ferret's finest, strongest mead, where tantalizing objects dance and bob about, elusively. The objective is to be the first to successfully snatch up three of the floating objects with your mouth._

    (Roll initiative for turn order, - then for each turn, roll a search check against a preset DC. If you fail, you just get a mouthful of mead, but if you find something promising, roll the dice once more to see if you manage to pick the object up with your bare teeth!

    But beware! There's a joker in each vat, a ill-favoured item which will render you disqualified if you pick it up! (one chance in 20)

    For each failed round, you get a little drunker.. and the difficulty increases accordingly. Roll a one and you're face down in the drink, to be ungracefully hoisted out of the vat by the Ferret's trusty bouncers!)

    The Escape Artist

    _Who have not not longed to cast off the shackles and chains of one's ordinary, dreary existence? Now is your chance to make your great escape, if only for an evening! The Escape Artist challenge will set you free - if you have what it takes!

    The brave contestants (lineup format) must successfully escape a dastardly entrapment of chains and shackles. Two things will be measured: the time taken to escape, and the apparent skill displayed in how you go about it.

    The judges' score will modify the time - so even if you take longer than some others, you could still win if you escape in a way such that the judges are impressed by your genius and brilliance. For the gutsy contestant or professional escape artist, there's a special delux entrapment kit on offer - this will score you big bonus points.. if you succeed!_

    (This is a roll sum game: get the highest rolls and judges score possible.

    The rolls/points are thus: strength/pickpocket, open lock/pickpocket, and judges' scores.

    Strength represents purely your ability to -break- free of the shackles - and also to force some parts of the trappings where needed. Open lock obviously refers to your ability to pick the various locks. Pickpocket refers to your ability to move your limbs and such in a way such that you can escape your trappings.

    You can substitute pickpocket for the strength OR the open lock roll, but not both.

    Also, one of the two rolls has to beat a DC - representing your ability to even ESCAPE the shackles and chains.

    Fastest escapee (or in reality, one with the highest score) wins!

    Whip It Good!

    A blindfold, a whip.. and your contestant waiting somewhere in the ring (duel format). Which one will be the first to get the required number of hits in, and win the challenge? No magic, no fancy gear - just whip it.. whip it good!

    (contestants will be blinded by the DM, winning is not by subdual, but just striking at all.. first to our preset number of hits triumphs!)

    **Event time: May 21th, 5 PM EST

    Place: The Lucky Ferret Inn, Peltarch (basement)

    Fabulous prizes! Skimpy costumes! Booze! Come one, come all!**