Avatar resizing warning!

  • Hello folks. Please keep your forum avatars in compliance with the size limits (150x150).

    If you don't, here's what happens:

    First, we will post your avatar and your forum name here, asking you to fix it.

    Second*, we will PERSONALLY resize your avatar using Gimp 2.0 and post it in that thread. Then we'll PM it to you.

    If you don't resize your avatar after we've personally resized it and delivered it to you, you will be Donald Ducked.*

    *Your avatar will be changed to a picture of Donald Duck.

    I know that some of you don't frequent the forums very often, so you miss these things, but it's important that we keep our avatars below the limit so your avatar doesn't "explode" on people's pages.

    *We might skip this step.

    This announcement shall expire and revert to a normal thread on May 21st.

  • Do it! They are serious! They got rid of my lovely picture!