Build 901U

    • Various AI Tweaks
    • Various Area changes
    • Various Shop changes
    • Fixed a bug in the Bigby Spells that meant the spells kept forcing a save even after the target made its first save (don't worry mages, your usual targets don't beat those DCs ever, anyway)
    • Added leader spawns - they have higher morale, will command troops around them, and call for help in a large radius. Be careful. Only four of them IG for now. You can figure out who/what they are on your own.
    • Changes to PS loot chests in the DM sanctuary to stay synched to their respective loot chests out in the "real world." No more waiting for reset and ugly item crossover issues.
    • TON of NWNX plugins now operating. Nothing will be different from the player side, but we can now import scripts and in the future (allegedly) areas, creatures, and items without having to restart the server or change the module. Also, nifty things in the works for these new plugins.