Near the Crossroads

  • ::The slightly singed paladin turns his mount and faces the largest group::

    What ho Chaps!
    No where for hast Ronan gone one doth question?

  • _The hooded gnome sighs and responds to Fadia.

    "The Ritual of the Four Doors required the concentration of four arcanists to unlock the fourth dimension to produce what is called a 'teleportation circle' in layman's terms. With the loss of one of the arcanists performing the ritual, we lost a required component of the ritual, and it failed.

    Does anyone know where Ronan could have gone?"_

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia, battered and bloodied, limps her way over towards the others to find out what the hell happened with the portal

    "….What the hell happened with the portal?"

  • The gnome eeps, twitching visibly at the sight of the horse and hurriedly takes a few steps back while still struggling in vain with the umbrella. Indignant, and not seeming to pay any heed to the signs of previous battle on the scene, she comments to anyone in the near vicinity:

    "It was going perfectly fine, until that RUDE mage showed up to disrupt all our work! It was such neat work too, every little detail layed out just so.. but he shows up uninvited, unexpected, and knocks the good Professor out with one single spell - actually, that part was rather impressive, from a professional point of view, ahem. Then he walks all over our attempts to stop him and snatches the Professor up and away like some.. some.. very Naughty Kidnapping Villain! May Garl place whoopy cushions upon his every seat, and paint his bottom purple!

    ..pardon the harsh language, ahem."

  • A few hours later… an elf in a tattered cloak appears holding on to a gnome who appears to be trying still to close a multi-colored umbrella of all things. They appear next to where he left his horse, who seems to not have cared much about elementals running around and is still in the same place he left it. Taking a waterskin from one of the saddle bags, he takes a long drink before simply saying without turning...

    Well… that went poorly.. and some mage stole Ronan...

  • _The two fire elementals collapse in on themselves, a last little flare of heat as they disappear into a spark that fades quicker then the after image left to your eyes. The sudden loss of heat results in a few misty breaths of cold air from the three guardians. The last of the other elementals fall swiftly after, and Hoarrans ride the line quickly, checking for injuries or fallen.

    ((We're at a point where you can begin discussing IG I think. Meetings and some further actions here in the thread are welcome.))_

  • _Having been shooting with single-minded intensity in pursuit of clearing a path to the portal for the non-combatants, Maria’s scream is the first Eluriel has looked away from the flames.

    Her concentration broken, nearly tossed loose the elf takes a hold of the tree trunk. As the implications dawn on her, the little colour on her face slowly drains right away._

    Ronan. She whispers to herself. Jaxilon. Manth shae ent stacia.

    Eluriel drops down to shield bash the crumbling earth elemental as she hits the ground.


    It is imperative that word be sent immediately that the others be moved to a place where Vaxin cannot reach them. Tis my hope that you have a magical sending available.

  • As the fire elementals approach, Vanderkaus take a step forward glancing down. A low, almost whispered pray can reach the better ears. By the looks of his stance, it becomes clear that he is calling the favors of Gorm during the battle. The stout dwarf starts to glow. A dark blue light spreading along his body; as every word is spoken, the light becomes brighter and brighter. Almost at the end of it, he lifts his eyes to face the elementals:

    • By my word and HIS power, BE GONE!

    _The light that was around his body, explodes towards all directions, as the banishment spell is casted to destroy the summoned elementals.

    In the middle of this, the red gem in the middle of his shield can be seem glowing, as it is absorbing some of the heat from around him._

  • Even with the closed portal, Ama stays close to the mages, her holding her shield up as denfensively as she can to shield them all from the heat of fiery elementals. With her feet planted in the ground, she drinks an elemental potion behind her shield, her hoping the enchantment from it will hold long enough to allow her to protect the ones she vowed to watch over.

  • The fire elementals press Ama'bael, Vanderkaus, and Lycka hard, heat radiating from off them. Back towards the rest of the combat, the wall of fire has damped out to nothing, and the air elementals appear to be dissipating into nothing. The earth elementals, chipped, shattered and showing cracks across their forms continue to try and pound anything in to the ground around them, but are obviously becoming less and less functional with every passing moment.

  • Drowning out the sounds of battle around them, Lycka's furious, ear-piercing howl of rage sends ripples through the approaching elementals, her sword swinging into thin air as the red-robed wizard slips hastily through the defences. She steps quickly infront of the two mages, gesturing for Ama'bael and Vanderkaus to do the same.

  • María looks baffled as the mage heads into the portal, and instinctively let's out a sound and loud scream. Kitty tries to jump on the mage as soon as he notices him, but it's too late and his sharp claws land on the ground, and with a quick move turns around, facing the two large elementals that were behind the mage. He growls, angry.

  • _Inspired by the magnificent charge, and flashily jumping war horse, the Hoarrans take heart, pressing hard back against the earth elementals from their sides as the non-combatants, invisible but dusty, start bunching forward to where the defenders are starting to make a decent stand, the two lycans still clawing and scratching at anything that gets close to their rage.

    The fire wall itself is slowly beginning to fade, and the air elementals seem more intent on stirring dust up, rather then facing the lance of the charging paladin. Arrows still strike out from the tree, where only one earth elemental is still set on shaking the elf out.

    Beyond the slowly dwindling wall of flame, closer to the portal, Ama'bael, Vanderkaus, and Lycka become the last of the wizards guardians to bear witness to the sudden appearance of two large fire elementals who split and charge towards them. From behind the huge creatures of flame, a slim red robed wizard, his head shaved and dark tatoos flaring with a dark light appears rushing quickly between the two elementals and, with a polite nod to Maria, enters the portal itself.

    Heartbeats later… the portal collapses._

  • Ama'bael watches those rushing forward to face the elementals and per Aelthas' previous command she stays by the mages, her serving as a short wall, but there by them none the less.

  • ::Mariston urges his mount on and jumps the damped flames, lance lowered to strike::

  • The Halfling Defence League

    ((Sorry for not posting, finals have really kept my attention these past few days))

    Fadia stays to the rear of the fighters, launching off arrow after arrow at the attacking elementals. Between each arrow, she moves herself into a more favorable defensive position with regard to the mages, then hunkers down and casts blessings of barkskin and agility on herself.

    She shoulders her bow there, then readies her scimitar and her exquisite shield. As she rushes to engage the elementals, her armor's shield activates, and she takes a defensive stance to try and keep them at bay.

  • _The ice arrow sends shards through the elementals, and hampen the fire from the wall for a moment. The two lycans, easily clearing the wall and settling in to combat.

    The Hoarrans are fighting defensively against the rest of the elementals as they squeeze in from the sides, and a few of the elementals wander after the elf who squirrled up the tree, grabbing the tree itself and shaking it in an attempt to either uproot the tree or shake the elf out.

    The ice arrows hitting the fire wal lower the flames enough that Mariston could likely charge through the wall with only a little singing to himself and mount if he's charging quickly enough, and a good jump from the mount will probably clear him from almost everything but a momentary heat._

  • ::Locking the fluttering standard in place behind his sadle and then lifting his lance then couching it, Mariston urges his mighty warhorse forward. Gathering speed he speeds his way across the field to engage his enemy, judging the height of the wall of fire and if his mount can clear it on a jump::

  • Armed with bow and half full quiver, Eluriel scrambles light as a squirrel up a tree. She takes a stance beyond the groping reach of the earthen creatures to send rapid-fire ice arrows hurtling towards the flames.

  • Lorelai lifts up her bow at Aelthas's call to her and quickly fires an enchanted arrow into the mass of elementals as he begins his charge. Without bothering to see how her shot fares, the half-elf shapeshifts into her werecat form with a loud roar and runs after Aelthas. Her arrow zips ahead and punches into an elemental, releasing it's magic in an blast of icy shards which pelt nearby elementals. Lorelai follows Aelthas up the same tree and launches herself down onto the same elemental, using her claws and muscles to try to rip it apart.