Wayward Journey - Magnus Ironsfaar

  • Here you find the history of one Magnus Ironsfaar:

    Magnus set out from his mountain home early in his life, disatisfied with the dullard pace of life at his fathers coal face. With his life stretching out ahead of him he started out, following the road wherever it took him. His goals were but simplest things a dwarf can crave, ale and gold.

    In that order.

    In fact the road spurned him, taking him first to a quaint little village, unuse to trouble and dwarves, and after a scuffle in a local bar he was thrown into the local jail. Set to spend the rest of his life rotting in a dank hell, Magnus gave in to uncontrollable fits of rage. Through all of the night he would rant, rave and beat at the walls within his diminutive cell. This would continue for hours at a stretch, leaving whole swathes of skin missing from his fists, feet and limbs.

    When not overcome by these fits of rage, Magnus was able to talk to his neighbouring felons. The cell to his right harboured an unassuming little halfling, who firmly denied taking the coin purse from a noble during the scuffle at the pub. The halfling barely understood common, and with nothing better to do but beat at the walls Magnus slowly learnt to converse in the Halfing tongue.

    The cell to his left contained a dark man. While his halfling friend was lively, it was to this man that Magnus looked to for advice to enable him endure his drawn out incarceration. Due to the tragedy of his position, Magnus' long faith in his god, Moradin, was shaken to the bone and the man used this. Though the advice began innocent enough, it soon turned towards darker reaches.

    Slowly, like the a good apple going to rot, the mans poisonous words worked their way through Magnus' very core being and twisted the lost youth into a maligned and wretched thing. Though his soul now looked to Bane for guidance and salvation, Magnus found through the man and his insidious advice at least a way to preserve his lively and energetic demeanour, kind and outgoing.

    Though evil to his core, ultimately, Magnus found he still felt a weak bond to those he found akin to him. Perhaps a selfish hangover from his isolated days in that wretched prison. No matter the reason, where it does not interdict in his worship and servitude of Bane, Magnus looked after his few friends as best he could.

    After almost a year of incarceration, at the hands of jailors cruel and insensitive, he was rescued by a recruiter for one of the trading wagon companies. This man saw a vengeful talent in the outbursts, and put him to work as a guard on the wagon trains.

    Grateful to be free of his prison, Magnus was more than happy to work for his benefactors while it served his purposes. During his first tour with the wagon trains, Magnus was involved in countless skirmishes and stand offs along dirty and broken tracks frequented by bandits and highway men. During combat, Magnus found he was able to fall back on the consuming rage he felt during his stay in prison to wreak havoc on his foes.

    The senseless carnage of such scenes was spread by word of mouth far across the travails through which the wagon passed. His live over the next few years was quiet, the villains along his wagons trail would not wager their lives so easily once they knew he was riding guard.

    However, for Magnus, such triumph was fleeting, and when word of the shere violence he had wrought on the countryside during his travels reached the headquarters of his company, he found himself duly sacked by the ignorant and appalled clerks running the wagon trains.

    Poor but free, Magnus began to trudge along the road to Narfell, seeking wealth and worldy possessions, guidance and friendship wherever he would find it.


    I realise this history is, in a rather less altered form, in my biography.
    There it cannot really be subjectively looked at so I post it here as well, in my biography it is also lacking the sections regarding Bane for somewhat obvious reasons.

    Oh, my account name...

    Magnus Ironsfaar

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