Senma campaigns for Senate

  • _The white-haired elven girl known as Senma dedicated a full two days to passing out pamphlets to citizens of Peltarch, particularly in the Residential and Docks districts. The pamphlets read:

    "Senma Tethae'lr for Senate!

    Let us end this domination by old, stagnant rulers. Bring democracy back to Peltarch, and be represented by those you elect!"

    As she passed out the pamphlets, she reminded people that she was the orator who gave the controversial speech on limiting Senators' time in office. Additionally, she carried with her baskets brimming with delicious, delicious steamed pork buns, and handed them out alongside the pamphlets, especially in the Docks district. For the friendliest and most enthusiastic recipients of the pamphlets, she gave a total of three Hinnish fenberry pastries. Yum.

    If for some reason she was stopped and told that she cannot "campaign," she would have torn the top line from every pamphlet and argued that there is nothing stopping her from spreading her message, elections or no, citing that there are no written laws against passing out pamphlets._

    300 gold trashed for the parchment and ink, verified by Benji. 95 steamed pork buns bought from the Ferret and subsequently trashed for the handouts. Oh, and 3 Hinnish pastries.