Narfell's XP System
DM Event XP Primer
Publishing this here for transparency and in response to player complaints about poor XP awards.DM Guidelines (Andelas, former Head DM)
From the wand:Random RP XP - 200-300
Small event 500
Big event 1000
High risk big event 2000
Epic event - eg defiler death - 2000-4000Making me laugh IC - 50xp
Town attacks no RP XPFurther Considerations
How much RP occurred?
Was RP plot relevant or were PCs talking about the weather?
How long was the event?
What was the risk involved?
Were PCs receiving combat XP?
What other rewards were involved?
Was this an ongoing plot or a one-off?
How often is xp being distributed?Different XP for Different Characters
Not every PC gets the same amount. Perhaps they were there in the event but just along for the ride. As mentioned before, what a PC puts into an event helps determine the reward they get. If they add nothing to the event other than clicking red things then they won't be getting much.
Additional XP Sources
Automated RP XP
PCs will receive automated RP XP at a rate of 100 1st ed XP per hour in 15 minute intervals. To receive the automated RP XP PCs must make a minimum number of chat messages and also change areas once every so often.This passive RP XP is increased by 20% while roleplaying with others. For this bonus to be received you need to be in the vicinity of another PC when the "tick" kicks in. Generally, most players aren't roleplaying alone, so the usual passive RP XP received is 120 per hour, or 30 per "tick".
Characters with a Noncombat XP Citizen Token receive double these amounts.
Exploration XP
PCs will receive an XP bonus the first time (after this build goes in) that they visit a map marked for exploration XP. The bonus is not repeatable.Character Backstory XP Works XP
Awards of XP to bard characters for their Bardic Works may be available. This is because (a) it's something that takes a non-trivial effort from the player (b) it enriches the server for everyone.
Details of how to get your Bardic Works in game are to be found in the Bard Class Guide.Forum XP
Some DMs may choose to award XP for forum posts or research. This is entirely discretionary and not something players should expect or ask for. Count it as a nice surprise if you get some.
Combat XP Soft Cap
A soft cap is now in place. Over the course of 24 hours, PCs will receive a percentage of their usual XP depending on their accumulated amount of combat XP in that period. This soft cap will NOT apply to PCs levels 5 and below.Please refer to the following for XP percentages - amounts are in 1e.
0-999 at 100%
1000-1999 at 75%
2000-2999 at 50%
3000-3999 at 25%
4000-4999 at 15%
5000+ at 5%Please note, that it IS some 1e amounts may be reduced to the point where no 3e xp will be granted. This will mostly affect players on the top end of the level spectrum.
You may view your current combat XP percentage rate and time until soft cap reset by using the "!xp" command.
Keep in mind that all levels of the soft cap are SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
The Basics
1E and 3E XP
When you receive an XP award in Narfell you will see one number for 1E xp then a conversion to 3E.Narfell uses the Magic-User Experience Table from 1st Edition AD&D for all classes, replacing the standard 3rd Edition table. This is done to provide a leveling progression that better suits the low-magic feel of Narfell.
The revised table is as follows:
1-2500 1st
2501-5000 2nd
5001-10000 3nd
10001-22500 4th
22501-40000 5th
40001-60000 6th
60001-90000 7th
90001-135000 8th
135001-250000 9th
250001-375000 10th
375001-750000 11th
750001-1125000 12th
1125001-1500000 13thHow to Read Narfell XP
Due to coding limitations, your XP is displayed on your in-game character sheet as 3rd Edition XP. In practice, the server 'translates' this 3rd Edition number into a proportionate amount of 1st Edition XP.You may see your actual 1st Edition XP number via the rest menu. The number is also displayed when you recieve an XP award.
When you receive an XP award, the information will be displayed on your Right Text Window. It will include the number in 3rd Edition, 1st Edition, your total 1st Edition XP, and how much you need to get to the next level in 1st Edition XP.
Example: Wren Halfabrick dispatches a hobgoblin with a well-placed arrow. She sees the following…
Experience Points Gained: 4
Gained: 12(+0) 1E XP. Total 1E XP: 110. Goal: 2500This means that Wren has gained 4 3rd Edition XP, which translates into 12 1st Edition XP. She has earned a grand total of 110 1st Edition XP over her entire career, and will need to gather 2500 total in order to hit 2nd level. That's a lot of hobgoblins...
Because Narfell awards 1st Edition XP, the value of 3rd Edition XP you get will change depending on your level. This is why certain things such as quests may appear to award you more XP at a higher level; you are getting the same amount of 1st Edition XP, but the translation to 3rd Edition XP is different.
Factors Affecting Combat XP
The biggest factor affecting the amount of XP you recieve in combat is the makeup of your current party. XP is 'averaged' based on the level of the characters that make up the party. The presence of lower levels in the party will increase the amount of XP the higher levels receive, and vice versa.However, if the disparity in levels is great enough (6 levels) XP will not be
granted to the lower level (or to the higher levels if the monster CR is too low). Thus, if seeking combat XP, it is best to party with people close to your own level. This feature is in place to prevent an single high level character from powerleveling a low level character with no risk.You are awarded no XP for killing creatures with a CR sufficiently beneath your level. This may be adjusted by the levels of other people in your party as stated above.
Once you reach 6th Level, you must be approved for a Citizen Token in order to receive any combat XP under any circumstances.
Roleplaying XP (RP XP)
Narfell is a server that is primarily focused on character development, plots, and roleplaying. It is Narfell's policy to encourage and reward this by giving out RP XP awards to players.RP awards vary in amount by DM preference and situation. In general they are between 100-300 points of 1st Edition XP, but there is no 'standard' amount.
This is not a reward for hanging around and talking. You can get one for playing out the hunt for a wounded bugbear, for nervous vigils around a fire in the Central Plains, and for any situation in which you use text and actions to give your character life and personality, or to advance an ongoing plot.
Many players get discouraged because they feel that they do this all the
time… yet don't get anything. Patience is your watchword. While it may sometimes seem like the DMs are omnipresent beings who hover over you like evil seagulls, the fact is that 99% of the time they aren't rewarding your great characterization because they aren't there to see it. RP awards are an unexpected pat on the back, not a reliable source of XP. Some weeks or months you will see none. Other times you will get three in one day. The best way to get them is to ignore them... just play your character, and have fun!If you receive an RP XP award, please do not publically thank the DM, as everyone in the area may not have received one and unnecessary OOC can disrupt the very roleplay that the award was given for. If you wish to express thanks, send a message on the DM channel or via a Tell... this is not expected, but it is certainly not unwelcome either.
You may receieve RP XP regardless of whether or not you have a Citizen Token.
Quest XP (also known as Event XP)
This is similar to RP XP. It is a lump sum handed out to players at the close of a DM run adventure (a 'DM Event'). These rewards vary in size considerably more than RP XP awards do. They are frequently larger… but have considerably more risk attached to them.The size of awards will vary from player to player, and frequently depends on a player's contributions, characterizations, and other factors. Some DMs just give everyone the same thing. Others vary XP based on whether or not a character was there from start to finish. It varies a great deal from DM to DM.
You are not guaranteed Quest XP for being in an event. Many large events (town attacks in particular) have no XP awards given out at all. Quest XP is a bonus and not a right.
Please use your discretion on whether or not to publically thank a DM for Quest XP. If the DM has called for everyone to line up to have it handed out, thanking them publically is probably fine. Never publically mention the amount you were given, as everyone may not have received the same thing. You may always send a thank-you message on the DM channel or via a Tell if you wish to do so.
You may receieve Quest XP regardless of whether or not you have a Citizen Token.
- Lagermane
Conversion Gadget
Courtesy of Dorakhan.