
  • This is something which comes up over and over again.

    1. Stealth is not Hide in Plain Sight
    Use Cover. Where the engine doesn't provide cover be ready to emote what you're doing. In the wilds use gullies and hollows. In the city move in a crowd or get up on the roof tops. Draw on what you've seen in books and films.

    If you open a gate near someone they'll glance at it. If they're looking right at you they -will- see you. Unstealth. Use common sense.

    2. There's a Difference between Hearing and Seeing
    When someone shows up transparent you've heard them. You haven't seen them unless they're solid. If you've heard someone you may emote looking where you've heard something and the sneak pc will normally be unstealthed.

    3. Mechanics
    20 is not an auto success, 1 is not an auto fail. Circumstance modifiers are in effect as follows:

    Listen/Move Silently:

    • Automatically cannot detect silenced creatures
    • Can only detect invisible (or when you're blind) creatures within the max attack range.
    • Cannot hear sanctuaried creatures
    • If there is something between you and the target (including creatures) there's a modifier of +5 DC for every 40cm of thickness in outdoor areas
    • In indoor areas, if the LOS is blocked and the target is within 4 tiles (dfs search) there's a modifier of +2 DC
    • Area listen check modifiers
    • +10 DC if you are in combat
    • +5 DC if the target is standing still
    • -5 DC if you are standing still
    • +1 DC for every 3 meters of distance to the target
    • Relative size modifiers (Tiny: +8, Small: +4, Medium: 0, Large: -4, Huge: -8
    • Favoured enemy bonuses

    Spot/Hide In Shadows:

    • Automatically cannot detect invisible creatures
    • Automatically cannot detect anything while blinded
    • Area spot check modifiers
    • During Night, if you do not have a light on you (including weapon lights and darkvision) there is a +5 DC modifier
    • During Night, if the target has a light on them, there is a -10 DC modifier
    • For stealthed players only, there is a +5 DC if they are in the back arc
    • +10 DC if you are in combat
    • +5 DC if the target is standing still
    • -5 DC if you are standing still
    • Relative size modifiers (Tiny: +8, Small: +4, Medium: 0, Large: -4, Huge: -8
    • Favoured enemy bonuses

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