Bardic Morale Rest Bonus

  • I got this today, from a 'performance of various sorts' from Zyphlin.

    But for all the times Lycka/Meril/Val have performed around me in the past 8 months I've never once got the rest bonus and I'd gotten to thinking it didn't exist any more.

    Is there something odd going on with this?
    Does it only work for that particular performance type?

    Or have I just been unlucky in missing out on it.

  • Yah, my good ol' Jockser Tealeaf supreme giantslayer used to give those too =/ - maybe it's something that got somehow deleted with newish builds?

  • I remember Dondiah gave it to those who rested around her when she was telling a story…

  • That'll be it. I was about to say wasn't damaged when received it, but the screenshot shows a couple of hit points missing. That will be the difference.

  • I believe the percieved rareness of the rest bonus is because the player recieving the bonus no longer gets cure light wounds vfx cast on themselves. So unless you happen to be the one getting the rest bonus yourself, you will not know it happened to someone around you.

    Also keep in mind you need to be damaged, I believe, in order to recieve the resting bonus.

  • I have seen this twice fromEelsbeths bard, but not any others.

  • It use to be everytime my bard did it with someone injured it worked… but I noticed since I came back, I've only seen it once. I was wondering what happened with it myself.

  • Its super-duper rare. I've only ever seen it once.