A lone dwarf on the long road

  • It seems that the barakor Vanderkaus keeps a lonelly watch the the east lands.

    He spends most of his days siting on the stone benches near the Kelemvor Temple, exchanging, from time to time, some polite words with Lem.

    His shield and axe are always at his side, ready for….... what?

    At the end of each day, he lights a candle near the Jyyd flag, and while it burns out he says his prays. Once this is done, he renews his wards and stays awake untill it is phisically possible.

    Whenever he is too tired to keep his watch, he heads to the near temple, asking for a room over his head and so the Temple's Paladins to keep an eye on the road.

    This seems to be the dwarf new routine, instead of his frequent crafting trips.

  • Vander shares kind words with the elven at his side from time to time, not realy saying what or why is he standing there. One day, after his routine visit east, he returns with the lifeless bodies of some Hoarans.

    After a brief absense from that place, he returns with more provisions and his patrols to the area near the barrier increases.

    Something noticeble is that his armor, shield and weapon always seem spotless, as if the dwarf expects that any day he will be fighting his last batle…. or he just want to look good!

  • Seeing Vander keeping his lone watch, Ael returns with some fine dwarven stout and a few dishes of general grags. He has no idea why Vander is there, but no Union member is going to go without food or ale.

    He takes the other seat and asks no questions, just hangs out a while.

  • Day by day pass and the lone dwarf continues to watch the east.

    His routine seems not to change as he stands alone in a place that is not visited by most and the lack of contact do not move his resolution.

    He carefully tends his armor, shield and weapons, as he watches all and every that venture into Jyyd.

    His golden armor has never been so shiny. The broad shield do not display so many marks of its constant use. His axe and spear are sharp as ever.

    Lem can listen sometimes something about not bringing enough ale, but you have to let a dwarf mutter some, right.