::Rumors heard in the Lucky Ferret::
Rath Ashald is from now on, to be referred to as "Rath the beast" or "Rath the beast-slayer" while being served at the Ferret by the staff.
_Despite the look of annoyance by the manager Gildor, the Defenders has been seen coming and going regularly, mostly vanishing in the back. There are twice as many bouncers, and one is guarding outside the entrance to the "fun girls".
There has been one incidence, where a customer asked for applejuice while being "entertained" in the back, his naked broken body had to be carried out of the pub.
He is supposedly still alive.
Gildor will not comment._
_A man in red armor enters the Ferret to leave a few hours later. When he does his armor is pitted and covered in a layer of what appears greenish ichor. A small smile seems to play across his face as a large half-orc falls in step beside him.
A few days later he is seen returning to the Ferret asking after Gildor with less of a smile this time. He leaves word that he seeks to speak with her and departs._
A hooded man can be seen entering the tavern asking questions of some of the less reputable patrons. Coin is offered where needed and other forms of encouragment when the coin fails.
Quiet rumors, only known to those that know Peltarch underground well and its black market, that Gildor is currently selling bits and pieaces under the counter.
This is the suposed pricelist.
Charm's mask - 300 (+2 Persuade, Charm Person 6 times)
full-set Lawbiter Bolt - 200 (+1 piercing vs. Lawful)
full-set Lawbiter arrow - 200 (+1 piercing vs. Lawful)
full-set Static Bolt - 400
full-set static arrows - 400
full-set Razor Dart - 200-Potions-
Potion of Barkskin - 150
Potion of invisibility - 250
Potion of Clarity - 250
Potion of Cat's Grace - 250-Scrolls-
Identify - 400
Ghostly Visage - 400
Darkness - 300
Cat's Grace - 300
Slow - 1000
Imp Invis - 2000
Daze - 50
Charm person - 50
scare - 150
Grease - 150
Knock - 400
invisibility - 400A screams were heard last night in the Ferret when a woman was kicked out by a bouncer, Gildor shouted that she should get back to Norwick and never try to undermine her again.
When asked why Gildor is suddenly sell these items more openly to the public she shrug her shoulders.
"I am easy goin' person, ya can talk to me, I am reasonable. So far I have had no reason tha try to offer competition to the merchants down in Norwick, I don' need anymore gold, instead I gave them a small warning. I don' like being screwed with. Makes me all hot and, and wantin' tha fakk people in return, and is there one thing I am good at, it is fakkin'"
Laughter and jokes have been going around the Ferret a ton lately. It seems that "rug munchin" is becoming wide spread all over narfell again. Rumors fly about a old face from peltarch has now been spreading her bad luck in the crotches of ladies of the land and even the big breasted floosy from the camp seems to be in on the action. Jokes fly through the establishment ranging from the saying that signs are in jiyyd stating "Sale on rugs, 3 for a gold piece" to rumors that someone inside the theater must've started to bottle thier water and ship it out over narfell
Ever since the explosions at the docks, Syne has been seen in the area even more than usual. When he once before only went there to speak with the dock foremen and was seen coming in and out of both the seafarer's guild and the wavebreaker's guild, he is now passing by the Ferret during the guard's break periods, receiving regular reports from them on any oddities or novelties they may have witnessed while on their shifts, showing his gratitude for their cooperation by buying them all a round.
"Naked bearded woman wrestling"
Has become a popular late night entertainment, once a week. one guard comments that he never knew there were this many dwarves in the town of Peltarch, as he has seen rushing in to the small pub. Some are said to be from Norwick, and some even rumors to be traveling as far as from Damaria.
Another guard said:
"Well, it is a bit disturbin' at first, but after a while it becomes sort of educational, I never knew female dwarves had two beards"
Another rumor goes that some High class women from the Civic district has been buying fold out pinup illustrations of Koreth and Rath Ashald, for any Black Dragon Knight asking, Gildor the manager, has been denying the sale of any such, "smut".
Since the last explosions in the docks, alot of the guards and workers has been seen in the pub at lunch time, and currently it has been a discount on Ale being given to all workers of the city.
Barrim walks into the lucky ferret to buy a few select drinks for his evenings in his office working long into the night over his long treatises and journals. Barrim makes a passing comment to the barmaid and the bouncer on the door to the fighting pit whether the throne inside has a current champion and whether said contests are held to the death or not?
Complimenting the bar-staff on their selection of drinks Barrim returns to his office.
Mirk smirks a bit as some murmur the useless rumours, shaking his head
At least i'll have something to poke fun at Zyphlin about… I still think with that 'elm amd armor 'e looks like some minaturized blackened robotic contraption... ((Or more like some Gundam Wing ripoff :p))
Chuckles to himself, taking his drink with him as he leaves
Abiie overhears things and snickers, grinning to herself as she heads out with a few bottles of velvet and wine
::sighs and walks off into the shadows muttering about stupid confirmists::
Hmm, I never thought I'd miss the days of having people spread rumors about my abilities in bed and what kind of sword I'm packing…
((The previous text was simply a joke