• A large note is to be seen, written with fine letters and decorated with some pictures of Giants being slayed in different ways


    _Jeffster Tealeaf, the Giantslayer, son of Jockser Tealeaf the great Giantslayer of Narfell, is looking for adventurers with special dislike for Giants.
    The idea is to revive this ancient art that is the Slay of Giants, to revive the spirit of the Giantslayers, in order to acomplish that very important task that is to combat those beasts.

    All of you who are interested, sign up your name and reason to join. Keep it short, there's not too much room in this paper-thing._

    //had no idea how much money i had to trash, so i trashed 50gp…remove letter if it's not enough.

  • Beourn Battlemail
    Im 'ere fer me ancestors. Revenge on them block heads is always on me agenda!

    edit * sorry just realized this post is a century old