
  • Recently, Dondiah along with Fadia, Eluriel, Risternil and another elf emerged from the entrance to Oscura and then headed south east towards Jyyid. Dondiah has not been seen since.

  • Dondiah is now seen occasionally, but infrequently. Recently she'ed been seen talking with Elurial, the perky elf named Rhylin and the quiet, dark dressed elf that had seemed so intent on finding her.

  • A large black dire wolf can be seen almost daily, looking around the area, sniffing, searching. Every so often an elf in gold shrouded in darkness is seen on a cliffside or in a tree, and in the same glimpse, he vanishes.

    Someone is most deffinately searching.

  • As the rumors spread, two elves are seen wandering the area near Jiyyd, one a young chipper elf in green armor, who seems to have found a friend to help her. A dark haired elf in dark armor who seems rather serious in her tracking. Both seem VERY intent on finding the missing dancer.