Mystic River

  • The last thing I could remember seeing was the bright arrows - the norther lights - over the cavern ceiling.

    I lay still now, soaking in the warmth of the body next to me, listening to the soft comforting crackle of the fire on the hearth. The delightfully familiar scent of lavender, ever present in my lodge, tickled at my nose, awakening my consciousness, bringing with it sensations of happiness and relief. Fragments of my memories return slowly.

    I am alive.


    I did not expect it this time. Certainly not from him, and yet this is the second time he has brought me back. It seems he is the only one willing to shackle my soul to the world of the living. What is his reason? I ponder for a moment what remains a mystery me…


    They had both been standing over me when I had awakened in Oscura. My skin rebelled against the harsh scratchiness of the tattered rags I was wearing. The expected velvety silk embrace of my red dress was gone, as were the rest of my belongings, save for my soulbound dagger Athme, whose hilt pressed firmly into my thigh.

    The Mage directed the man I’ve come to know as Victor to carry me back to the lodge while he cleared the path ahead of us.

    Victor had borne me through the door, then gently set me down on the large cushions of the lounge. After that, he excused himself, and departed with the soft sounds of the door closing in his wake. Both men had been quite silent through the entire trip, or perhaps I had been drifting in and out of consciousness. I really couldn’t be sure.

    The Mage broke the silence first, his voice demure, yet still carrying the confident power that has always clung to him. “I don’t know of your belongings, but I will take care of you.”

    He took the moment to lay down beside me, giving me thoughts I found ironic and darkly mirth filled. What could a man of death give to a woman struggling back to life? I guess the world works in ways too mysterious for my understanding.

    My thoughts drifted as I hovered on the boundary of exhaustion and sleep. One kept returning to my mind in a way that was almost morbidly comic: I really needed to write a will and testament. Including my accounts and property, my wealth is considerable. I have no children. I’ve worked too hard for it to not to go where I choose. This must be done as soon as I regain my strength.

    I feel him moving next to me now, but I pretend to be asleep, savoring the moment for a while, knowing that at least one cares for me and my well being.

    How Precious.

  • As so many times before she was entering the damp caverns to collect trinkets, gems, scrolls for friends, who needed it. Suddenly she heard Almaz hissing and she turned the corner, in a distance she saw the hoard of kobolds and then their well-known arrows lit the cavern like the great northern lights.

    The black cat leaped forward as she was trying to stop the inevitable

    “No Almaz” she cried, and the last breath of air left her body and all went very still.

  • @61303508e2:

    Dear Rom

    I have missed you greatly, the world around me is not the same without you. You are the best friend one could ever expect to have.

    Regarding Sirion, I am well aware of his habits. I have already suffered his ill wish towards me by following me around, which resulted in Ardents accusation about me some years back. I have never laid a hand on anyone… yet. But I can’t promise Sirion will walk free from my anger should he once again accuse me wrongfully.

    In my opinion, Sirion is a coward that hides behind arrogance and a self-image that gives the elven race a bad reputation. He is certainly not a man he is a rat with long ears and even worse a rat with an undetermined gender.

    Yes, I found his horse; well it looked like his horse anyways, by my house. I have to admit that I let my thought wander and play with all possible things I could do with it, but I am not that person. It was only and observation I will not waste my time on a horse owned by a rat.

    Anyways, Sirion was not with us. Concerning my companion my own reputation is already in the gutter it really doesn’t matter whom I travel with, I think. I am so called “quilty by association” a life I have come to accept.

    But under my roof my rules, and I have spoken with Lector, the druid follower of Silvanus a great deal about “keeping the balance”. He has become a good friend of mine and his constant presence is very much appreciated, he is quite domestic, he is quite the chef.

    Hope to see you soon


  • @b80f22a916:

    Dearest Mystic,

    I missed getting to speak to you the last couple of days, but I had an observation and a question. I heard that you went to the Underdark with a man called Victor, and an unnamed companion who I presume was Kyan. Please continue not to name him in any public forum.

    I used my GPS to determine how deep inside the Underdark you were, so that I might possibly join you. My GPS indicated that Sirion was in the Underdark at the Grand Staircase. Was he with you too? If not, were you ever in that location?

    I ask for two reasons. Sirion likes to follow adventureres invisibly. He has done it many times. Second, later that day, I found his horse tethered outside your lodge. It remained there for a couple of days.

    It doesn't bother me in the slightest that Sirion was in your party, so long as you knew about it. If not, I just wanted to make you aware of the possibility that he was following you and Kyan around.


  • With her leather bound book of charms resting heavily upon her lap, Mystic scribbled…

    Something happened, I was on my way back through the caverns with my companion’s, one of them a “new face in town” named Victor. Suddenly a man appeared, or rather, erupted stylishly from the hell pit itself it seemed. I have to admit it scared me at first, however, he approached us with good manners, and his voice was not harsh, almost friendly. Not friendly enough though, to convince me to completely drop my senses of “Flight alert”.

    My companion greeted him like a long lost friend, naturally this revealed that they seemed to know each other quite well, which came as a surprised to me, as my companion never spoken of him before. Anyways, I decided it was best for me to keep quiet and listen.

    The man before us seemed genuinly concerned and spoke of doppelgangers.. how odd.. then something about the Hornleaf family. I will need to make some research on this family name, I am too curious not to.

    He asked us a favor with the promise of rewards. It seemed easy enough. I just have to throw another dinner party…

    I still wonder how he knew my name….

  • Au retour

    A bit tired after a long trip east, Mystic returns to Narfell through Peltarch then, finally, on to the lodge, happy to be back home.

    She left each her friends with the task of safeguarding the place during her absence, and she hoped to find everything still in order on her arrival. She opens the door, and at first glance it all seems normal. Dropping her luggage in the middle of the room, she heads straight to the chest, and opens the lid, reviewing the items inside. She nods to herself, then heads for her private room unlocks and peeks in. All is in order. She takes a deep breath and turns, walking to the enchanting room. She sees the gate is open and her pace quickens towards it.

    Inside, on the floor are tipped and empty bottles of strong drink. Mystic bends down to pick one of them up and sniffs it…

    “Ewww,” she blurts out, then dry heaves in disgust. She cover her mouth and swallows hard fighting back of a recurrence of her morning's breakfast. “What the hell have the boys been drinking?”

    She continues further into the room, only to find more of the bottles scattered over on the floor and counter. Something else catches her eye: ladies black lingerie, then further back, silk scarf restraints and a pair of thigh high leather boots.

    “Oh my…” she whispers.

    She follows the trail of the dropped items, reaching down to pick them up one by one, then suddenly slips on some strange wet substance on the floor, her legs going up in the air as she falls heavily on her behind.

    “Damned” she blurts out.

    Steadying herself, she leans back on her hands, only to drop them into a substance that is sticky yet slippery at the same time. She sits down, rubbing her fingers together, feeling the wet lubricant between her delicate digits. Raising her hand to her nose, she smells it tenatively, remembering the foul stench of the liquor.

    Mystic bursts out into hearty laugh as she remembers the scent from the Wilting Flower. In the corner, under a bench, she sees the open and empty flask of body oil...

    "Now boys... I am disappointed. Where is the whip? And the shackles…"

    She pauses for a moment to consider what has happened, an amused smile crossing her face.

    "I do believe I will have a serious talk with them as soon as I clean this up."

    She giggles to herself while happily singing, picking up the the rest of it as she goes. The spirit bottles she empties and places in an orderly fashion on a shelf. The rest of the items… well... those she carries to her own private back room... for her own pleasures.

  • @950de7b1e6:

    Dear Master Z
    I thank you again for your hospitality showing me your own home I am certainley impressed by its grandeur. Now, I have some more orders for you. I need a finely crafted belt and a pair of boots, they are meant to be enchanted. Please let me know what you can offer, if you make your way up here, let me know, and I will have dinner ready for you.

    Kind regards
    Mystic River

  • As she can hear the eager talks, laughters outside her room.. she scribbles quickly on a note


    Dear friend
    I havent seen you for a very long time, where ever you are, please come visit me. You find me in the newly built lodge south west of Peltarch. There is something I need you to do for me. I will be going away soon and this cannot wait.


  • Soles of the Damned
    Dancing flickers of candlelight reflected from the gold embossed spines of the books on the shelves of the Oscura Library, giving the feel of predator’s eyes watching from the darkness. Mystic sat in the center of the thaumaturgic triangle painstakingly inscribed inside a magic circle, whose wards were drawn in a smoldering mixture of coal and dampened oak chips, while candles burning at all three points of the triangle shedding their pale light. The smell was a heady combination brimstone and the smoke of spent wine barrels burning.

    Higgins’ book lay open before her as she meditated. With Iathouz’s help they had found two subtle traps in the lich’s scribbled notes. The first was in the use a pentagram in place of the triangle, the former made to keep summons inside, while the less used triangle was used to keep unwanted visitors out, but that was only half of the trap. The second, and more insidious, was in the reversal of an eha-doh rune that would have caused one of the lines of power to run out from the caster in the circle, instead of to them, leaving the mage drained of magic and at the mercies of whatever was attracted by the power emanating from the circle. They had only caught that one because Mystic had remarked on a misspelled word in the notes written in the margins. It left Mystic feeling less confident then she wanted to be, and such things, she knew, could be dangerous on their own…

    The boots were a marvel of craftsmanship. Tooled displacer beast hide formed into the sturdy shoes the dwarves favored for their mining trips into the damp and slippery stoned underdark. They had been meticulously fitted to their future owner, who needed them enchanted to make the undead hunter more nimble in battle. The irony was not lost on Mystic as she once again looked over the translation of the Lich’s notes.

    She had previously accomplished her normal routine, using her spells and magical oils to enhance the leather. Water from an east running stream, beeswax, her enchanting oil mixture, the Grace of Cats spell, Armor of Mages… All these things had become simple to her, but the quest for knowledge and power never ended, so her needs pushed her to test her limits. The Blood Binding of Essence was a challenge for any mage.

    Mystic’s eyes darted to the skinned carcass of the displacer beast on the table just outside the circle; it was the same one the leather for the boots was made from, carefully preserved by the instructions in Higgins’ book. It had taken her hours to carefully dissect the creature, pinning it muscle by muscle to the table, then marking the points where the essence of it concentrated so she could bind them to the leather of the boots, enhancing the properties she had all ready imbued them with.

    She closed her eyes, focusing her power first, then seeking out the assets she had available to assist her. She found her dagger Athme with the eye of her mind and drew upon it for control and protection before releasing the enslaved shadow from her ring. She felt the temperature inside the triangle drop as the shadow swirled around her, trailing its icy cold fingers across her skin and pulling at her hair in its desperate hunger to feed. It was a creature that knew how to wrench the essences of the living from them, and now it would help her tear them from the dead.

    The shadow rebelled against light from the candles, threatening to snuff them out, but it’s will was no longer its own, becoming an extension of its mistress. Mystic held up the vial of blood from the displacer beast, teasing the shadow with it. The shadow moaned a keening note, clawing at the stoppered vial feebly, hoping for the merest taste to sate it’s burning appetite. Mystic bound it tighter with a line of force, then sent it out through the circle.

    “Go, remove it’s essence and send it to me. Take nothing for yourself, I will feed you, my pet, when the time comes.”

    The shadow swooped low in subservience, then oozed up over the tabletop, rooting its way into the carcass, burrowing deeper in search of its prize. Bits of flesh and pieces of bone vomited forth from the remains as the shadow tore into its work with glee. Mystic extended her will and pulled the essences to her, sorting through for what she desired. She could feel the creature’s power, its ferocity, its awareness, and its agility. She wrapped the last two traits with a spell of eagles splendor as she poured the blood into the boots and them directed the spell to bind itself through the blood and into the boots, forming a permanent bond. The blood turned from crimson to a dark brooding purple, then seeped into the boots, leaving the black leather stained with a subtle purple sheen. Taking Athme in her hand, she pricked her finger, adding a drop of her own blood to the inner sole of each shoe. The boots would do more then merely protect the paladin they were fitted for, they would also appeal to his vanity, leaving him vulnerable to her whispered suggestions in the future.

    Drained, she pulled the shadow back to her, noticing for the first time that the darkness outside the thaumaturgic triangle was skulking about on its own. She watched as a crack of lightning from the outer circle drove off one of the…things… as it tried to test the protective wards. Snarls came for the direction of the table as something unseen tore the carcass apart in a fury of rage.

    It would take time to drive them all off, but from inside the wards, she had nothing but time.

  • In a more favorably disposition the following correspondance took place


    Dearest Master Z
    I have come in need of some leather works. To be more exact finely made Master Work Dwarven Flat Bottomed Boots. Actually I need two pairs of them. What is your price for a swift delivery?

    Kind regards
    Mystic River


    Miss Mystic,

    It is with regret, I must inform you that we do not currently employ anyone capable of crafting such boots.

    I haven't tried myself, but I have often attempted to craft items that are better know to be crafted by the other races of Faerun. Unfortunately, I have not been too successful.

    I do have a pair that is of standard quality, and I will attempt to figure out the secret that makes them so special. We shall see if I am successful.


    P.S. Perhaps I can convince one of my Dwarven workers to take up tanning so they can learn how to craft such boots.

  • Mystic sits by one of the desks in the Oscuran library writing a letter, while she lets the quill dance over a piece of parchment, she chuckles to herself:


    Mr de Garmond,

    I am truly flattered that you would think of me when you have need of some 9,000 gold coins. Whilst such a sum is not impossible, it is considerable, and I’m afraid that to give it to you would cause severe damage to your otherwise sterling reputation. It seems unseemly that a Knight of quality would take to begging in the streets of Peltarch like some common waif. Might I suggest you try the more common and acceptable means that Knights have used in the past to raise money? In case you are unfamiliar, I shall list them for you.

    1. Extort the peasantry for “protection.” For a slim investment, you can have bandits burn a few farmers fields and then ride in and chase them away for a sizable percentage at harvest.

    2. Marry into a wealthy family.

    3. Bed a rich, ugly, married woman. If you are any good, she will certainly pay to keep you, and if not, then blackmail is still an option.

    4. Have your Temple declare a holy war, and demand the peasants be taxed more to support it (you).

    5. Slay a dragon and take it’s hoard. This may be dangerous. I suggest the time honored tradition of sending your squire in first.

    If these options are less to your liking, you could try more economical means like having the senate make corners illegal, thereby denying the “darkness” good places to hide in. When you are prepared to actually have something enchanted, then maybe I can be of assistance. I can assure you, with the proper tribute, I can bless your rings and sword and armor. There will be no maybe’s. If you’re good, I may even give you a discount.

    Sincerely yours,

    Mystic River

  • Vanquising Evil

    A young knight David de Garmond a follower of Milil arranges various meetings with the more wealthy families in Peltarch. Then surprisingly a letter finds its way to Mystic


    Ms River
    I have asked to see you as I seek a Patron or Patrons to aid me in vanquishing evil in the lands. I serve Milil as a holy warrior and wish to clear the evil from the lands and bring light and song where there was silence and darkness.

    I require coins in this war. I have been praying to Milil of late and asking for tools of great power to help in my quest.

    I believe with an appropriate tribute Milil will bless my rings, armor and sword with such power that the evil lurking in dark corners will quake and tremble at the sight of them."

    The letter further explains in more detail of his needs there is a ring, and a holy sword even an armour amongst his requests. Then in the end…

    I seek your assistance. I require 3,000gp for each item at this stage - who will step up and help me with such? Any of you?"

    Humbly awaiting your response and may Milil bless your family with lives of joy and song.

    David de Garmond

  • ((as the server is down I might as well be extra OoG creative and also take the time to include Moon in a last retirement episode))

    The dining room table was set for three. It wasn’t fancy, but I had no doubts it was my sister’s best china. Call it casually elegant if you must, rustic if you‘re feeling unkind. A voice called from the kitchen - my sister’s live in companion.

    “Would you like a glass of wine before dinner Mystic?”

    “Yes, of course, I thought you’d never ask.”

    I joined Iathouz in the kitchen where he was filleting a large sea bass on the counter. There were two bottles of wine breathing on the sideboard, one red, one white. He got two glasses out and poured the red before going back to the fish. He knows my tastes. I watched him work the knife deftly like a surgeon, a long fillet, then subtle cross cuts in the meat. Some sort of yellow fruit came next, cut in half and squeezed onto each of the slabs of the bass. He caught my curious look.

    “I paid dearly for the lemons, they were more then the fish.”

    “I thought you said you caught it yourself?”

    “I did.” A smile played across his face. “When they threw it down off the boat.”

    It was then I spotted the book at the end of the counter. It was half hidden under a pile of clean plates that were normally put neatly away in the cabinet above it. I have been a little early, so it wasn’t a long reach to assume he had quickly stashed the book when I knocked on the door. Iathouz was prattling on about lemons and cooking fish as I slipped the book out from under cover. It was an old molding text bound in leather with the edges frayed from use. There were almost a dozen page markers in it. Someone was up to something. I brushed off the cover and could barely make out the words. Practical Studies in Alchemancy. Thrilling.

    “Whatever are you reading dear brother?” I opened the book just in time to hear his knife clatter to the counter amid the pile of peppercorns he was cracking with the flat of it.

    “Uhm…nothing. Just some old alchemy texts. Nothing very interesting I’m afraid.”

    “Oh, you know I like alchemy.” I flashed him a charming smile

    A dozen page markers is anything beside uninteresting. I flipped to one of the pages. It was a long scrolling text, and in the margins were hand written notes, in elven, and with two different handwriting styles. I scanned through the text, it was spoke of preserving severed limbs through alchemy for later re-attachment. It described some rather macabre results on failed experiments. It didn’t take long to figure out the book was focused on necromantic alchemy. I looked over the notes written in the margin. I can’t read much in elven, and the first set of notes seemed to have some sort of code to them. I did pick out one word, which roughly translated means “the left hand of Corellon” It was a word I’d seen many times in a place far away. The other set of notes had the word Salamander (in common) underlined. My first thought was about newts growing severed tails back, but then it struck me. Back on the Isle, there was a elven paladin who they referred to as the left arm of Corellon because of the all the humble work he’d done. He was respected almost to the point of reverence. His name was Sal, but I was always sure it was short for something. He had died horribly at the hands of Iathouz’s mentor Higgins, who had ripped off his arm and grafted it to his own body. After that, Higgins started calling himself the other left arm of Corellon. Could this be Higgins original notes on the process? If so, what was Iathouz doing with it? Dark things were in this book, dark things I’m sure my sister didn’t approve of.

    “Where’s Moon?”

    The elf was looking a little pale. “She’s taking a nap.”

    I turned to another bookmark. It was a chapter content page, listing failed attempts at immortality through alchemy.

    “Wear her out did you?”

    I skipped to the end of the chapter. It concluded that alchemy by itself could not overcome nature’s limitations on mortality. There were a lot more notes.

    “No. She sleeps more these days.”

    There was something there in his eyes. Something troubling him. I looked him over. I’ve know him for closing in on thirty years now. In that time he’s barely aged a day. Damn elves, it’s so unfair. …and that, of course, was it.

    “She isn’t getting any younger you know.”

    I could have put a lightning bolt through him he startled so bad. His mood darkened considerably.

    “We’ve had this discussion before.”

    “So we have.” I tapped the book. “But now you’re trying to do something about it.”

    I turned to the last marked page. It was about blood magic and transferring life essences from one person to another. Images of vampires danced about in my head.

    “Do you blame me for trying? I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.”

    “So you’re going to suck the life out of other people to keep Moon from getting old?”

    “No. Not other people.”

    “Yourself then?” I had to laugh. “You’d be just dumb enough to do it wouldn’t you.”

    “The concept isn’t hard to understand. I chose to spend my life with Moon a long time ago. This is only the next step. From what I’ve found, I might be able to save her one year for every two of mine it takes away.”

    “You are insane.”

    That nagging voice in the back of my head said otherwise. He’s always been very deliberate. His mentor Higgins was a genius with blood magic, who forged a great many items of power using blood, and Iathouz was there to see a lot of it. I though about my own enchantments and the limitations I was encountering. I’ve known for a long time that blood could take me to that next level that seemed to be at the edge of my grasp. Iathouz had something I wanted badly.

    “Moon is not going to like this…”

    The elf sighed. “…and your price is?”

    How well he knows me. “I’m making an amulet. One that protects me from fire. Magical fire. You could help me”

    “I haven’t done an enchantment in years. Not since I left the Free Fires.”

    “You studied under Higgins. I want his secrets.”

    “You’re dabbling in blood magic then.”

    “Yes, and you’re going to tell me everything you know.”

    He paused to consider, looking from me to the book, then back to me again. He winced once, then rubbed the bridge of his nose.

    “Fine. Tell me what you’re planning and I’ll see what I can help you with.”

    I unhooked the gold necklace from my neck and laid it out on the countertop. The gemstones sparkled in the lamplight of the kitchen. It had a pendent with a large fire opal centered in it, surrounded asymmetrically by an arrangement of fire opals shaped into a flame. Iathouz studied it for a moment.

    “Gold is a good choice. Silver is often resistant to blood magics. You have blood?”

    I handed him a vile and he held it up to the light.

    “Dragon blood?”

    “Sort of…”

    “What in the hells do you mean by sort of? Is it or isn’t it?”

    “I got it from a shape shifter who was in the form of a dragon at the time.”

    “hmmm…random. However, it might still work. Blood magic has more to do with the strength of the person or creature it’s taken from then their actual abilities.” He handed the vial back to me. “Your physical components seem in order.

    “This isn’t my first time.”

    “There is something you’re missing.”

    “What would that be?”

    “I’m not sure. We used a blood forge. Basically, it absorbed the magical energies from the blood and transferred them to the physical components via the forging process. Literally, we beat them into the items.”

    “That isn’t going to work with a necklace.”

    He shrugged “No, but the theory is the same. You get an item that absorbs magic, then modify it to draw out the energies in the blood, filtered through spells that enhance the characteristics you want, then transfer it through the release of magic to the item. Then it’s just a matter of setting it really.

    “You make it sound so clinical.”

    “Magical theory always is. The blood sweat and tears comes in the execution.”

    “So what I need is something that absorbs magic then releases it when I want it to?”

    “Pretty much. Good luck finding a blood anvil.”

    “How about a spell crystal?”

    “That wouldn’t… be…” He paused for a moment before shaking his head with an amused smile. “That might actually work. If you can open it up a little more so to speak, then soak in in blood. You’ll have to cast the spells on it too… strong protective wards…”

    “Mind Blank to purify it, Endure elements for the Fire resistance, and Shadow Shield to heighten it.” This part I had planned all along.

    “Then a spell to guide the transfer..”

    “Eagle’s splendor.”

    He nodded. “That’s good. Dragons are naturally vain so the essence should follow readily.”

    I suddenly found myself wanting to skip dinner. Iathouz read my mind.

    “Not now. Besides, you should have an enchanting facility to make it permanent.”

    “I’ve got use of the Oscura library.”

    “We square now?” He asked.

    I smiled, not yet dear brother, not yet. “I want to borrow your book. Higgins notes would be a fascinating read.”

    He chuckled. “You’ll need to understand his paranoia first.”

    “Why’s that?”

    “Higgins wrote all his notes in code. It isn’t hard to break, but that isn’t the point. The code is just a distraction. He wrote a lot of false information in there… things that would be lethal, or worse, if you tried them.”

    “And I suppose you know which ones are which?”


    “I see.”

    “Not yet, but you will. Go wake up Moon, this fish isn’t going to take long to cook.”

    I excused myself shortly after dinner and made my way down to the library. The execution was straightforward, but exhausting. Some days you learn more then others.

  • @aa7b1bb3c7:

    Dear Master Z
    I write to you but, I am sure you are well aware of the threats from west. I have cleared the area across the creek from orcs several times. Now there are rumors about gnolls venturing further north as well. You should let your workers know to take extra care travelling north from Norwick. Not only are the gnoll younglings aggresive but they are also carrying some pest of sort. If any of the workers show signs of infection they will not be let inside Peltarch. Perhaps you should make sure that a healer travels with them.

    This will ofcourse have an impact on the cost of the construction I am certain, but plague stricken workers cannot work. I will pay for a healer should it be necessary.

    Mystic River

  • @44ecb3fda1:

    Hello Miss Mystic,

    I hope this letter finds you well.

    I, too, am concerned about building on wetlands. As I told you before, it is very difficult…and costly. In addition, as I was heading to your plot, I was jumped by no less than 10 or so orcs. I fear you have not picked a very hospitable location for your home. That said, we'll do the best we can to manage the water and the orcs.

    As far as costs, I can't give you a decent quote until you tell me the direction you want to go.

    Are you looking to cut costs as much as possible and still have a solid structure? Do you want the highest quality? Or do you want something in between? This will help me decide which materials we need to gather.

    Since I did not hear back with regards to this, we've been focused on gathering stones for the foundation - stones are stones. As for the wood, we've been gathering pine and maple to keep your costs down. We were hoping for some oak, but have been unable to locate a decent grove to harvest.

    Estimated costs (this includes the actual material cost, labor of gathering, and the shipping of the materials).

    Rock for foundation: 5,000 (we will need a lot more if you want a wall)
    Pine boards: 5,000
    Maple boards: 1,500
    Oak: 3,000 (estimated)

    We are still gathering, so these prices will go up. But we have gathered most of what we need, so they won't go up too much more.

    Draining of the land: Unknown (Few hundred to several thousand gold)
    If it's surface water/runoff, we can divert it around your property pretty easily. If it's ground water seeping up because your land is below the water table, it will be costly. You're looking at a few thousand gold - mostly in labor.

    Building the structure: I estimate the labor to build your home to be around 10 to 15,000 gold. It will be more if we have to hire guards to fight off orcs.

    Interior elements: Roughly 2,000 gold (mostly for the large iron cauldron).

    I hope this gives you a better idea of how much it will cost to build your home. Please let me know if you have any questions.



    She sighs.."very well…" reaching for a quill and paper


    Master Z

    Please accept my apologies I did not understand I had to be so specific, but here my point of view regarding the building.

    Pine is a good wood to build with. The bigger, older pines are best, especially white pine, but I think almost any variety will make fine for the lodge…IF you keep the wood dry and well off the ground. It states in the book I picked up that the first log should be placed at least 20 inches off the ground on a rock/stone foundation. Also, give nice wide overhangs on the roof to keep the rain away.

    When it comes to the finer wood like oak and cherry these are meant for the cabinet, tables etc...

    Yes, I am well aware of the threats from the west, I have been discussing this with my friends, if you need to add a fee for the risk of building I ask you to return to me with a suggestion. However, lets be positive and call it an additional success fee.

    I have no need for a wall, if the orcs come they will crush the wall anyways, it be a waste of my gold. I should prepare an enchaments, like I did with Marias tower, to protect the structure against the creatures, perhaps as rumors say even fire.

    If you wish I may propose a dinner at the Mermaid for the two of us to discuss this further should you find it being of value to you and if you can find the time that is

    Mystic River.

  • A letter is delivered to the foreman at the construction site, a letter addressed to Master Z


    Master Z, I am aware that the bulk material building the lodge is delivered to the site. I can finally let you know the deal is closed with the land owner and we can commence the work. I am still slightly worried about the swampyness. On my trips collecting interior trinkets for the lodge. I picked up a book explaining a little bit about "building proper foundation". Perhaps we need to dig a hole to see how much water there is and how shallow of a hole it is to spring water. Perhaps a drainage pipe need to be built, relieving the land of excess water, then filling the gutter with rubbles making it easy for the water to find its way to the canal nearby. Naturally you are the expert on these things I should not worry and leave it all to you.

    Also I may remind you I am still waiting on the quotas, it would be nice to know how much this will cost me. How deep into my pocket need I to dig?!

    Kind regards
    Mystic River


    Romulus leaves a note under Mystic's door.

    "Hello Dearest!

    I looked for you in all the usual places after my return from Neverwinter, but didn't find you. I did a lot of scouting over the past few days and wanted to specifically warn you about one thing I found. First of all, I saw the site of your new house. Logs, barrels, and other equipment have been delivered to the site, so it looks like construction is beginning. Congratulations.

    However, I continued past the site to the northwest (invisibly) and after crossing the creek, I spotted two orcs west of the north-south creek near the farmlands. I did not engage them, but made my way to Peltarch's west gate to report the danger to the City Defenders. Shallyah told me that ocs have been seen in the area west of the farms on several occasions recently, and that this area is no longer considered safe. Since it is so close to your building site, I thought that you ought to know.

    Be careful!


    An envelope is delivered to the legion tower to Romulus


    My Dearest Romulus,

    It is good to have you back in Narfell. I have been quite busy looking for interior details for the lodge and I am expanding my trips passing the border of Narfell, you know, I want to find that true genuinine item that make the lodge also look like a home.

    Regarding the activity west I am very well aware of that. I am working on an enchtment to protect myself from the horrible things I hear about. I have spent some time with the elf Raryldor and he told me the threat is real and should not be taken lightly.

    It warms my heart knowing you are thinking of me and that you worry of my well being, but dont forget to take care of yourself as well. We dont know yet what horrific creatures dwells deeper west in caverns. You too should be careful!


    PS. Send my warmest regards to Gnarl should you see him about

  • Carrying paper tubes under her arms Mystic meets Master Z just outside the southern gate of Peltarch .

    "Greetings Master Z" she extends a hand

    "How good to see you, come… walk this way with me will you" she flashes him a bright smile

    They immediately turns right (westward) their trail follows by the water and after a while they arrive by an opening between some trees. There is a old willow hanging over the water. A placequite serene, maybe a bit marshy but perfect for a mage. The sheltering shadows from the willow and close to water. It is private yet in a distance, she can see the mighty walls of Peltarch giving a sense of comfort.

    "I am still working on the final agreement of the purchase of the land. What do you think?"

    She rolls out one of the tubes she been holding under her arm and hands him the specifications on the interior of the house

    "As you can see there is a large open area, one bed room and a facility for enchantings to be made. Oh… and here are the list of all the furnitures etc that I need. My hired miner Iathouz has already started gathering some supplies and made ingots, he is quite helpful and would be a good addition to the union."

    She hands him another tube of paper


    One Bookcase
    One Cabinet
    One Bear rug
    One big Cauldron
    One round table
    One alchemists workbench
    One large Oven
    Seven chairs
    One chest
    One queen sized bed

    Master Z looks around and nods

    "Not too bad…

    It's a nice location, now that the Orcs are cleared out. The ground is a bit swampy, though. That'll make it harder to build. We'll have ta go with a stone foundation. Wood rots too quickly when it's exposed to constant moisture. "

    Another nod

    "This land won't do fer planting crops. Every home must have a garden, and you'll need ta be growin' herbs fer enchantin' stuff. We'll have to build some planters boxes or somethin'. "

    "Other than that, I think we'll be okay. Stone would be best, if you have the coin, but oak would work well, too. It's strong and resistant to moisture, insects, and fungus."

    "The other items will be no problem. We'll get on those after the structure is built."

    "Very well then Master Z I am looking forward to what you can come up with and the cost for it… lets us head back before it gets dark"

    She hands him a few other notes, gently touches his elbow nodding at the direction to Peltarch, an honest sign to show him appreciation for the time spent and that he should take the lead walking back

  • Another letter glued on the door, as the union master opens the envelope a puff of lavender parfume fills the room..


    Dear Mr Z

    Perhaps, we should find a time and place to discuss this, I will bring with me the building plans and we could perhaps also visit the land I am looking to purchase. Please let me know of your availability.


    Mystic River

  • @3da0631449:

    Dear Ms. River,

    Excellent, I will inform my guild members, and they shall begin gathering some resources for the project. And, yes, Elidor is a member of our guild. So, I will speak to him, as well. We can craft everything you mentioned in your letter (furniture, desk, bed, chest, etc.), but they should probably wait until the actual structure is built.

    I will start working on a price bid. If you already have building plans drawn up, it would be very helpful to see them. If not, I'll make my best guess, and we can work from there. Approximately, how large will the structure be? Where will it be built? Knowing the size and location is important, so we can make good choices on the lumber to use for the project. Also, depending on what you need, we may already have some cured wood in our storage.

    As far as costs, are you looking to cut costs as much as possible and still have a solid structure? Or do you want the highest quality or somewhere in between? This will help me decide which materials we need to gather (pine vs. oak vs. redwood, for example). Please let me know, and I will be able to give you a more accurate quote on the price.

    Finally, I don’t believe I know Iathouz, but he’s welcome to join us as we look for resources.

