Gerard du Lorraine

  • Background Story (link)

    1. Height: 6.3ft / 192cm.
    2. Weight: 196lbs / 89kg.
    3. Skin Tone: Typical Caucasian, with a slight tan.
    4. Skin Texture: Normal.
    5. Eyes: Brown.
    6. Hair: Dark / Brown.
    7. Accent: Damaran.
    8. Recognizable Features: When dressed for battle, two crossed bastard swords at his back.
    9. Commonly spoken languages: Common, Damaran.
    10. Race: Human.
    11. Equipment Worn: When ready for combat, any gear you can expect from a melee warrior, along with his Peace Keeper cloak. Nothing else is really outstanding except the fact he often dual wields weapons that most would find hard to wield properly even one at a time.
    12. Equipment Carried: A small pack with supplies and usually a few mining picks, whetstone and diferent tools.
    13. Left Handed or Right Handed: Ambidexter.
    14. Jewlery or Decorations: A signet of the du Lorraine family, along with a few other pieces of jewelry.
    15. Relatives: Philip du Lorraine (father), Bernard du Lorraine (uncle), Louis du Lorraine (cousin), William du Lorraine (cousin).
    16. Body Build: Muscled and athletic.