• Flyers are distributed around the city.

    "The Tribune Drelan Ashire cordially invites all interested Oscurans to an event of music, entertainment, and meeting.

    May contacts be made, and the attendees find relief from the stresses of late."

    (Date and Time listed below, location the brawling bodak)

    //Thursday February 3rd.. 6 pm PSTish. If in far different time zone may be the next day for you.

  • //it is Thursday.. sorry typo.. I don't lie to me bards in tells! =D

  • // darn… I assumed it was thursday... if its Wednesday... Aune is meant to be performing, Could a DM just drop a violin playing coppy of her in somewhere, She planned a few haunting tunes and a dance macabre.

  • // Isn't tomorrow wednesday?