Checkpoints in the pass?

  • The group looks amongst themselves for a bit, before finally one of them steps forward…

    Well… um. Begging your pardon, Miss, but we've only been told to be issuin' them out to merchant types for now. Kind of like a trial, you know? Hoping it helps ease some of the fears people been havin' thinking we're trying to be cutting trade off between Norwick an' Peltarch and all.

    But we're hopin' it'll be working out real well, and well then we will be lookin' towards the trusty ones of the single types an' all...

    Speakin' of single types, I got myself a cousin who's been looking for a good woman to settle him down, turns a little red and shakes his head, sorry Miss. Be forgettin' I said anythin' about that. I'm sure you could be doin' far better then 'im.

  • Upon seeing this, the singer Val Kyrie approaches the Hoarans who are offering passes, and enquires about a pass for an individual, namely, herself.