Hoarrans at the tower

  • Vick drifts back into the wood and down south, checking the troop movements by the Hoarans and their build up of forces

  • Legion

    barges out the doors Te hells this i hear? Nae Jonathan comin ta my HOME until I am welcome back IN his and nae longer called a murderer by his lips danielle. When Jonathan grow up an stop accusin me for shite i nae did he is welcome ere… Until that day he is not.. Have yer meetin at the tempus shrine or sumthin...

  • With no voices raised in protest, or immediate shouts of no, Danielle sends a messenger of for Jonathan, then waits patiently watching the Senator and the Defenders.

    ((Send me availibility for IG meeting in PM Archon))

  • For that I'm afraid you'll need to get the Legion's permission I'm afraid. I am here under their… sufferance. If they agree then I'll send for Jonathan immediately.

  • "Ah, as soon as possible. That is why I have come here, afterall. As to the location, I believe this area or the area outside your main encampment would do fine."

  • A messenger has been sent and returns back at a dead run to Danielle, who repeats back his words to the Senator.

    When and where do you want to meet?

  • "I see. Well then.. the Senate of Peltarch is debating the possibility of officially recognizing your claim to certain areas in this region. No doubt you see the value in such a thing. To this end, however, we require your leaders to deliver a written and signed declaration of exactly which areas your people claim."

  • Any in the tower might have seen Aelthas there late one afternoon, after serving a meal out to all the Hoarrans, he spoke with Danielle for a short time near the fire. The two of them went off to the training grounds and had a friendly sparring match, both laughing as they did and seeming to have a good time. After another short talk Aelthas was seen heading north with a smile on his face and in obvious good spirits.

  • At the sight of the Defenders, whether sparring, at rest or tending the horses, the Hoarrans drop what they are doing and form up in semi-circle with Danielle at their center, and the Peltarchians in their center. Danielle raises a hand in greeting.

    I can send for him, but I am not sure his response will be any different then the last time you tried to arrange a meeting with him. May be best to state your purpose here in the open where all if those in hearing may know. Now is not the time for word to filter back of me meeting with Senators in private.

    Her words seem carefully chosen and loud enough to be clearly heard for a good distance. Some might find this odd, but then some might find it odd that there's been no new shipments of supplies either, ever since Danielle herself left a few days ago, and returned after a day.

  • _A notable sight, Senator Adrian Petrarch arrives at the Hoaran encampment, along with a retinue of Defender guards and an assistant or two. After finding out who's in charge, he approaches Danielle with a smile.

    "Ah, well met. I believe you are the leader of this encampment?
    I am Senator Adrian Petrarch, and I come on behalf of the city of Peltarch, to speak with Jonathan. If you so wish, I am willing to expand on the exact nature of my presence in private."_

  • Every few days Aelthas shows up with meat and wine, he sits quietly by the fire unless approached, cooking the meat up and then setting it all out for the Hoarrans along with the wine. After giving a small smile to Danielle, he grabs his staff and limps north again.

  • The dwarf grunts and nods to the side to speak with her in private.

  • *Ael'Que has by now brewed several pots ot tea over the past few days and can not help but chuckle at the reluctance and distrust shown by the legionares. He does continue to hang around the area, sometimes sparring with Legionares, sometimes Hoarans. *

  • Danielle politely refuses Elsbeth's offers though she is thanked and greeted before turning to the arriving dwarf.

    That would be me, Master Dwarf. Though I may be confused about the cave if you think we are close to it. Unless I'm judging your cloak wrong. What can I do for you?

  • A grumbling Dwarf in a peacekeepr cloak approaches the camp. His beady eyes look around for a few moments before calling out.

    Oi! Which un o yee 'orrans is in charge o thus lot? Oi need tee ave un word witch you on account o such a large number o yee being so close tee tha cave.

    He grumbles some more and looks expectantly at the horrans to speak up.

  • Ael'Que uses the water to brew yet another pot of tea

  • As a few of the Hoarrans finish with inspection quickly enough, they return back to light sparring after drinking some of the water, though they do give Danielle an off look now and then.

    ((any PC that does drink the water… feel free to post, and also send a PM for effects))

  • …. and yet they've been drinking it for days and days, and they live still?? gasp If only there was some way in these crazy times that water could be tested for safety! So the random rumors go.

  • _…or the hoaran leaders poisoning their own men, just to blame the Legion for it.

    No, but they couldn't be that wicked.

    Or could they?_

  • Hammerhand, who doesn't seem to recognize Danielle judging by his mannerisms, moves to give her the friendly advice that open and unguarded barrels of drinking water make an all too tempting target for any sneaks wanting to poison her men.