The Story of Alero Dalphain

  • Alero grew up in a small town south of of Damara, the town he lived in was filled with Farms and goodwill. As a child he looked up to his father for all his life. His Fathers name was Astreal Dalphain. His Father was a Knight of Helm and worked for the church. His Father was very strong, much like Alero is, he wielded his basterd sword with pride the church had given him.

    When Alero turned 11 his father knew that he was intrested in swordplay, and he tought him, he tought Alero for many years the ways to fight in battle, specific stances, strong attacks. Alero always seemed to have a grip on the battle part that his father tought him, but didnt quite have the faith or the determination to be a Knight.

    When Alero was 16, his father was called to the church for an emergency that they needed his assistance with right away. Astreal took off on his horse following one of the priests from the church. Of course Alero couldnt stand by and wait for his father to return so he followed unwillingly of his father on his horse although his farther did not know. They had reached the outskirts of the town were you could hear sounds of battle and demonic laughter and screaming. Outside the town stood a man in tall armour with a Greatesword carved with Symbols of Bane into it and the man was surrounded by at least a dozen of undead skeleton warriors and zombies. When Astreal arived to the plains he had realised his son Alero was following him. He told Alero to go home imediatly, but Alero did not listen his father drew his holy symbol and prayed to Helm to guide his sword against this Banite. As you looked around the fields you could see blood everywhere and dead bodies of town militia and local commoners everywhere. When the Banite layed eyes upon his Aleros father, he unsomoned the undead. The two both prepared for battle. His father knew it would be a tough battle but didnt know how tough he was. He stepped near the Banite and told him he would pay through Helms justice for what he has done. After that the Banite told him he would kill him and sacrafice his body to his lord. With those last words they burst into battle and with but a few swings the fight was over. The banite overpowered Astreal on the first hit knocking him to the ground where he placed his foot on his chest and be-headed Astreal, while Alero watched he passed out at the sight of the man slaying his father in disbelief. At that moment about a dozen guards had arived to the area. But the man took his fathers body and placed it upon his horse and took off into the shadows where he was last seen in that area.

    Since that day Alero cryed many tears over his fathers death and has sworn as Helm as his witness that one day he will avenge his fathers death.
    [Edited for Villhem]
    Character Name: Alero Dalphain
    Account: Astranaar

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.

  • [Edited original post ]
    Username and character name in post abocve

  • Can you edit in your exact character name and NWN account name so I can review this?