A rather awkward question.

  • Hello Narfell, the name's New player, but people frequently call me noob. As of late, I've dust off my old neverwinter night cd and…well you can guess the rest. Back in the days when neverwinter was the new baldur's gate in the multiplayer server, I've been playing around rp server like no tomorrow. Today, I'm now officially stuck in social incompetence. yep, you heard me. Social incompetence. I know how to rp, stay in character, but one of my main weakness...is the beginning!

    How should I introduce my character? Where should I go? Who should I talk to? I say who1 what! when! why! I say who! what! when! why!

    erm...pardon me chaos. clear his throat What I am saying is, I have difficulty to introduce myself on the server. Could someone help me on this one or propose any idea?

  • ICC

    Welcome to hotel Narfell….. :twisted:

    evil laughter echoes

  • Wow, thanks for the reply. thanks a lot! And sorry for the delay, sunday tend ot be a flash day when you sleep like a narcoleptic cat. I'll give it a try then, post a background and all.

    Hell, this post might even help futur new player to narfell, sugar coat…erm I mean soften...er...erm....just help them arrive in narfell :oops:

    and on this last note. BEAR! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE And he run away like a little girl

  • Legion

    Aota's suggestion of creating a Background post is a really good one. First of all you get some juicy XP for a good backstory. On top of that you actually create a memorable character that will stick in peopl's minds. Someone with a bit of depth. Jo the random adventurer is a little harder to introduce once you get past stating his name. Jo the pilgrim who felt called to stay in Narfell while on his way to Illmater's holy land in Daramar, or Jo the escaped slave hoping to create a new life for himself and maybe one day take revenge on his cruel masters, or Jo the overweight albino bard secretly training to become an assassin for the church of shar … something with more depth means you actually have something to introduce people to.

  • @7f5db0194b=Syiedthebard:

    Nearly dying often brings people together!

    You really gonna trust someone with the words "Shar take you" in his sig :lol:

  • I'll give some practical but very subjective advice. The easiest way to get your characters introduced to people without forcing introductions yourself… is to let the goblin hordes force it for you. Nearly dying often brings people together!

  • Hey there Mirkul…welcome to Narfell!

    One of the first things you can do is write up a background and submit it in the Historical Archives section of the forums. That will give everyone something to read about your PC outside of the game as well as provide you a bit of an XP boost (will be dropped on your PC IG after review).

    As far as interacting with other PCs/players IG, well, that entirely depends on the personality of your PC and their background (race, class, etc.). Get out there and RP and I guarantee others will react to it.

    If you've been in game a bit you probably know by now that the Narfell environment can be tough on a new PC. It's always a big risk going out any city gates for most any PC so make some connections and team up if you're looking for a bit of adventure. Most everyone else is looking for similar so don't be afraid to ask!

    If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact one of the Player Guides in game or on the forums or simply make a post in this forum. We'll get to you!

  • So far as introducing yourself to the server goes, this is a great start.

    Hello and welcome!


    How should I introduce my character? Where should I go? Who should I talk to? I say who1 what! when! why! I say who! what! when! why!

    How: Whatever fits them.

    eg one of my characters will blithely barge on up into what's very obviously a private conversation to introduce themself… not so high on the charisma that one. Another one is more likely to sit by herself and hope that other people will introduce themselves to her.

    Where: I think you have Norwick papers as your starting town.

    The two main congregation points in Norwick are the fire just south of the fair grounds (those being where all the loot was laid out) and one transition south of that map by Norwick's south gate. But there won't always be people there and exploring the very wild and dangerous north all by yourself tends to be lethal.

    Last night was unfortunate in that the better part of the players logged in were firstly off on unattached maps for a big plot final. Then when they did get back to Norwick the focus was still very much on that, along with a lot of very tired players, and an ooc loot division which we probably shouldn't have done in a public thoroughfare. I'm sorry for any confusion that caused. The last time there was such a large scale plot final as that was July, so it's absolutely a rare occurrence.

    If you message a Player Guide in game we'll generally be delighted to have one of our characters bump into you unless we're in the middle of something we can't reasonably get out of.

  • First off: Hope you like Narfell because your never leaving :twisted:

    Beginnings tend the be the hardest part for most things, Its a big new thing and you have no idea what it is and you should probably be scared of it. But once you get a handle on things you'll fit right in. The best thing you can do right now is get some grounding, be social get to know some people and they can give you a hand with most things. Your at a disadvantage as a new guy because there's not as many people in your level range and working in a party is an important part of surviving when you start off, But honestly the best thing you can do is just play to the best of your ability and hope for the best. 😄
    If you have any issues in game just call for help with the Emote wand and a PG will come and help you out quick smart.

    Hope to see you in game : )