María's class
Vewry twrue, I fowrgot that one. Would you then please, stand hewre in fwront of the class and explain about that spell?
:smiles and motions her forward::
::listens carefully and raises her hand::
i believe if i've studied right there's another fifth circle spell not mentioned called hold monster? i noticed bugbear mystics cast them in battle.
Well then, let us continue with the class.
Fouwrth ciwrcle:
Chawrm monstewr. It's like the stwrong vewrsion of chawrm pewrson, and the defenses awre pwrotection fwrom aligment, mind blank owr clawrity.
Confusion. This spell will do things thinking they another. You might be thinking youwr attacking youwr enemy when in twruth youwr attacking youwr best fwriend…so this spell is specialy nasty. Same pwrotections as with chawrm monstewr apply.
Fear. This spell will make you feel scawred of anything, vewry vewry fact I'd call it "panic". This spell is only blocked by mind blank owr clawrity. Howevewr once someone is affected by this, a spell of wremove feawr will cleawr his mind.
Fifth ciwrlce:
Dominate pewrson. Like chawrm but mowre powewrfull. You will be just bossed awround like you wewre slaves. Pwrotection fwrom aligment, clawrity and mindblank will be , again, youwr only help against this.
Sixth ciwrcle:
Thewre's nothing in this ciwrcle that can be used to contwroll someone's mind owr similawr effects.
Seventh ciwrcle:
Powewr wowrd, Stun. This is a powewrful spell that can ONLY be avoided with mindblank owr clawrity, owr with a vewry high stamina.. it's a 7th ciwrcle spell though, so you 'd wrawrely see it cast.
This is all, since the othewr two ciwrcles I know not so well, and instead of giving missleading infowrmation about a spell I'd wrathewr be silent about it.
Any questions? comments?
Yes, that it does, Siwrion. But then youwr ability to cast spells is nullified, so the othewr spells awre a bettewr option. Also because you can have them befowre the spell is cast, giving you time to do othewr things…
But yes, that should be pointed out. Well done.
It's also noted that a spider form is immune to all paralytic techniques, including the Web spell and Hold Monster, and that any polymorph will render you immune to Hold Person.
Well said well said! ::enthusiasticaly to Victoria::
we will continue with this class aftewr a bwreak…
::raises hand::
would those be Minor globe of invulnerability, and regular globe of invulnerability?
Looks at elva, shaking her head
No, that would only be effective against chawrm pewrson. Keep twrying!
_Elva raises a hand
"Um…Magic Circle against Alignment...?"_
That is cowrrect, though I was not speaking about divine spells, so we'll have to leave that one aside fowr now.
Thewre's still two spells I'd like to heawr.
::nods:: that's quite a list of mind affecting spells. i have been told this bottle of ghostly visage that i have can stop any spells of the first circle and lower. but also that the priestly spell "spell resistance" can protect you from those spells as well. and upon researching the spell you (maria) casted at fight night that made you turn purple, also known as ethereal visage. that spell can stop spells of circle two and below.
Nods to the students and newcommers
Today we'll speak about mind contwrolling spells owr similawr. This is something you'll eventualy come up by…be it casting it, owr being the tawrget.
Stawrting at the fiwrst ciwrcle...thewre's the following.
Chawrm pewrson. The name it's self explanatowry, and it can be neutwralized with a pwrotection of aligment, clawrity owr mindblank.
Colowr spwray. Don't let this pwretty lights stun youwr senses. It can only be countewred with clawrity owr mindblank, but this spell doesn't last too long.
Sleep. The name it's self explanatowry. Can be countewred by a spell of clawrity owr mindblank, and it's so weak, most twraveled and expewrienced adventuwrewrs will be unaffected.
Second ciwrcle:
Gledlee's electric loop. This spell will not only zap you, but it will also set you out of place bwriefly if you let youwr guawrd down. Can be countewred by clawrity and mindblank.
Tasha's Hideous Laughter. This is a joke of a spell...litewraly. Only mind blank and clawrity will pwrotect you fwrom it's effects, though they do not last long.
Thiwrd ciwrcle:
Hold pewrson. Self-explanatowry...can only be countewred with clawrity and mindblank. This one lasts quite a lot, depending on how powewrful the castewr is.
So students, befowre I move on to the fouwrth ciwrcle... I've delibewratedly missed one spell that will pwrotect you fwrom all of the spells mentioned befowre, two that will pwrotect you fwrom the fiwrst and second ciwrcle ones, and one that will pwrotect you against the fiwrst ciwrcle ones. Spell mantles awre no game...
Speak youwr mind. giggles at the joke
Larathia slips in late, a bundle of parchment in her hair and an ink stain near her lips from where she has been tapping her quill amidst her writing. She came in soon enough to hear the opening discussion of Area of effect spells and smiled brightly at this. Just the subject she wished to know more about!
She pulled forth a clean sheet of parchment and write some notes about the elemental protections, a spell available to her. She did fully plan on using fireball soon and she may as well not toast her allies in the process.
::enters the class room scanning around looking at all the people and those she might know. she would take a seat next to shally and listen carefully to the discussion at hand:: how are you feeling shally?
::Shallyah enters the classroom and takes one of the seats at the back of the room, putting out a book and quill pen as she listens attentively to Maria's classes::
Excellent suggestion, Siwrion. I was expecting someone would suggest that.
Nods and smiles, looking pleased.
_Sirion makes himself known.
"No questions, but an observation. Anyone using an area affect would do well to prepare a countermeasure. Elemental protection, Clarity or Mind Blank, etcetera. If your allies are protected, you can target them with impunity."
"Protective Wards will block Confusion cast on an opposing moral schism."_
María enters the classroom and looks at the people gathered, nodding and smiling. She stays standing leaning on her staff and takes a deep breath before speaking.
Vewry well. Fiwrst of all I'll clawrify this lessons have nothing to do with the ones I was giving pwreviosly, meaning that, If anyone has a question owr wants to deal with a theme that was alwready mentioned in pwrevious classes, thewre's no pwroblem whatsoevewr, feel fwree to do so.
She looks around again, seeing who is new and who's not, and gives a light nod to herself
Fowr today, we'll speak about Awrea of Effect Spells. Which awre spells that can affect mowre than a single cwreatuwre.
Thewre's two diffewrent Awrea of Effect Spells, those that last in time and those which effect is instantaneous.
Examples of these would be…::she writes in the board::
Last in time: Wall of fire, Acid Fog, Cloud Of Bewilderment
Instantaneous: Fireball, Confusion, Mass haste
Well then. As you can see thewre's no defined pattewrn fowr these. Both can cause diwrect damage owr both can act as mass cwrod contwrol spells.
The lasting in time spells awre good to cast when you awre defending a position, specialy in a nawrrow spot, such as the south gates of Nowrwick. You can place one a bit ahead of the gates, and the enemy will have to stand behind while the awrchewrs and othewr mages cast theiwr own offensive spells on them, cewrtain advantage it is.Of couwrse, thewre's some amount of dangewr in casting Awrea of Effect Spells...and this is that you may cause injuwries to youwr allies. Fowr this wreason one has to leawrn how to aim pwropewrtly the spells. It's taken me sevewral yeawrs and undefined houwrs of twraining to be able to aim my spells pwropewrtly.
In owrdewr fowr you to twrain this kind of casting, I'll be putting a combat dummy close to the obelisk in the yawrd. I suggest you pwractice casting youwr spells in such a way that you will hit the obelisk while the dummy wremains intact. You will pwrobably scwrew up many times befowre you get it wright, but only pwracticing one becomes a mastewr.
::she grins and snaps her fingers, the board clearing itself::
This is all fowr today's class, unless someone wants to ask something...
Rumor has it Corwin went into Maria's classroom when it was out of session carrying a large bag and with Kathea Snyders in tow. Alexi arrived later though they kept the door shut.
After some hours they left, Kat growing very brightly, and a new skeleton is seen hanging beside the old one. Corwin also seems quite happy about something else than the skeleton for some reason.
María enters the class, cheerful smile on her face
Well…I had a pwractical lesson about countewrspelling with some students..but I'll wrepwroduce the class vewrbaly hewre fowr all of you who didnt attend owr in case you missed something that day.
Fiwrst of all. Anyone can tell me how does countewrspell wowrk?