María's class

  • Faide has been quiet all-through class number two, having taken a seat beside Elva. An ever present smile on his face as the class goes on. He scribbles down notes of each spell in detail as they are said. Flipping over to a new page as needed.

    Bright blue eyes look towards the strange merchant curiously, giving his comments thought, before scribbling down the names of these new spells he's mentioned from the first circle.

  • Alexi who has been quiet till now, casually smooths his sleeves raising his hand in a casual manner till he is called upon. Why he is there is up to anyone to guess given he is a merchant after all.

    Lady Professor Maria, I might be a bit biased and unschooled on this matter but it would seem to me that, those spells lean themselves to advantages only in the single fighting opportunities and such spells such as color spray, grease, Scare, and Horizikaul's boom would be more robust and useful in more situations as they disable your opponent so more options are available to you in case things turn sour where as the others you mentioned seem to be hinging upon success on the first try. Perhaps you can provide insight into this?

  • Well then, the best answewr was …well...I think it's a technicall tie..since both of you had two wright and two wwrong. So thewre's a pwrize fowr each of you, meet me aftewr the class. ((find me IG!))

    smiles and looks at them both, then speaks for the class

    The fouwr fiwrst ciwrcle spells that will be wrequiwred and used most times awre indeed the one pwrofessowr Wronan mentioned befowre.

    Magic missile, mage awrmowr, shield and pwrotection fwrom aligment.

    Magic missile is a vewry useful offensive spell as we've explained befowre.

    Mage awrmowr, is a defensive spell as shield is, but the impowrtant diffewrence which makes it so valued, is that we can cast it on othewrs, something we can't do with shield.

    The shield spell is a high defensive spell, that will not only pwrotect you frwom magic missiles, but it will also deflect many blows aimed against you. It is, in fact, the spell that helps mowre with this, even mowre than any highewr ciwrcle spell. That's what makes this one so valued.

    Finaly, the pwrotection fwrom aligment. As I explained to you befowre, when you fight evil, you need to be pwrotected against it, so this spell is just what you awre looking fowr. It does not only pwrotect one against mind contwrolling spells casted by evil enemies such like chawrm, dominate pewrson and so. But it also pwrevents one to be affected by confusion spells, wregawrdless of who casted it.
    And on the top of that, it gives you some mental defense against the wrest of mind spells, making those hawrdewr to affect you.

    Makes a small pause, looking around

    But…let me cleawr this. This does not mean that thewre's no othewr impowrtant spells fowr fiwrst ciwrcle. As an example, the alwready mention shelgawrn's blade, owr many othewrs, like compwrehend languages and so on.

    This selection of spells though, is solely based on the idea of the subject being an adventuwrewr...natuwraly, not all castewrs awre adventuwrewrs, some awre enchantewrs and would have nil use fowr offensive spells like magic missile.

    Makes another brief pause and then talks

    well then, if nothing else is asked owr commented, I shall continue to the second ciwrcle spells….

  • Looks at Elva as she speaks, listening and nodding That's an intewresting spell choice. What I said to Awristos about the element spell applies now too, but I'm both cuwrious and satisfied that you mention the shelgarn's blade spell.

    It is indeed, a vewry useful spell. As you mention it's a vewry wresistent blade. Depending on which cwreatuwres you awre facing it can be one of the most useful spells, but do wremembewr that any magicaly enchanted weapon owr mastewrwowrk made one will go thwrough it and destwroy it. (Anything +1ab or higher destroys it).

    Youwr list is missing something though, think about it….when you fight evil foes, you likely would like to be wawrded against evil, wouldn't you?

    She smiles at Elva, trying that she feels a bit more comfortable

    The magic missile is a gwreat option. Thewre's been sevewral occasions whewre only magic damage was able to bypass a cwreatuwres defenses, and whewre all wawwriowrs pwroved to be unable to succed, this fiwrst ciwrcle spell succeded. Fowr example, those annoying cwrystal oozes…

    Looks at the rest of the class Any othewr ideas?

  • Kyan sits in the back of the class and takes notes from time to time.

  • Nods quietly at Aristos That's a good selection of spells. Of couwrse, the wright answewr depends as well on -up to which ciwrcle- you can cast. In youwr spell selection, fowr example, I'd say it's one of the best one if you can't cast thiwrd ciwrcle spells. Howevewr, you awre lacking offensive thewre, and one must not fowrget offensivity.

    Enduwre elements would and expeditious wretwreat would go fowr othewr spells with similawr, yet bettewr, effects…like pwrotection fwrom elements and haste, wrespectively. Though this would be the case if you could cast thiwrd ciwrcle spells.

    If you will allow me, Awristos, I will not explain owr comment fuwrthewr until we've heawrd mowre suggestion fwrom othewrs.

    Smiles and looks around to see who else has something to say

  • _Elva raises her hand, shes obviously very nervous about saying what she thinks

    "Um….f-first is Magic Missile....b-because its powerful and um...m-magical damage...

    second is um....Shelgarns...Persistent Blade...b-because the blade is hard to hit and can keep opponents distracted while you cast other s-spells....

    third um....Shield......because it protects you from well as block out Magic Missile.....

    and fourth is um...Resist Elements...because it protects the user from um...elemental harm....."

    Once she finishes talking she looks down at her feet, not looking at anyone afraid of negative reaction_

  • _Aristos raises his hand quickly then speaks

    …I personally like to have prepared for use at least one of each of the following...

    ...Endure elements...Protection from alignment...Mage armor...and Expeditious retreat...

    ...though I expect that magic missile would be more favored than expeditious retreat by most..._

  • Smirks at Ronan's comment as you would image , Wronan, the classes awre fowr students , not fowr othewr pwrofessowrs, so i'd politely ask you to be quiet and not intewrrupt my classes like this.
    Fowr this time though, I shall answewr to youwr comment.

    Doesn't all scouts have a basic equipment? Doesn't even a healewr have it's basic equipment? You know, balms, hewrbs, blablal…Then so does the mage have it's basic spells, which I considewr to be the most impowrtant ones that a mage should know to be succesful in theiwr adventuwres and the like. If you don't want those spells, then do not use owr leawrn them, but it's mowre than pwrobably that you -will- be needing them at some point, and you'll wregwreat not having them...wregawrdless of what you want.

    In any case, if you do shawre anothewr opinion on the mattewr, I suggest that you stawrt youwr own class, and make fowr once honowr to that tittle of youwrs, "pwrofessowr".

    She then turns to the rest of the class, smiling as always

    Well then, do not mind him. Speak up youwr minds. Which do you think awre the fiwrst ciwrcle most impowrtant spells.

  • Professor Ronan speaks out of nowhere, standing in back of the class..

    Magic missle, shield, mage armor, and protection from alignment. Those would be my choices. But it depends on the mage, really. Do they want to be combat efficient? Or use their magic for lore and research? Support fighters in attacks rather then have mostly offensive spells? Each spell has its place, and is only a "must" if it fits the needs of what the mage wants..


    Maria enters the keep and takes her spot, she leaves the staff leaning at the wall in a corner

    Well well…as I told you last class, today's topic will be "The 4 spells you should know of each ciwrcle". This is good fowr both, wizawrds and sowrcewrowrs...

    Looks at the class and smiles, grins Alwright, fiwrst ciwrcle, people. Tell me which do you think awre the fouwr "must" spells of this ciwrcle. The one that gets closewr, gets a pwrize.
    Looks at Kyan you can't play.

  • Elva waits at the back until everyone has made a move too leave, then leaves two paces behind everyone else

  • Looks again at the students, and asks Any othewr question?
    as No one seems to have any more questions, she then says
    The next class will be "The 4 spells you should know of each ciwrcle".
    You will be allowed to give youwr own ideas and suggestions, of couwrse, and maybe thewre will be a pwrize… we'll see, we'll see..

    And with that, she ends the class, walking quietly reaching for her staff and leaning the weight on it, heading to the exit

  • Nods at Elva and smiles Well…that's a good question, and one you pwrobably could answewr youwrself. Take a look awround and tell me what kind of animals, plants and abewwration polymoerphed mages have you seen awround? Usualy those cwreatuwres that awre hawrd to find like...elementals. That would be a vewry wrawre essence to find.

  • Faide glances back upon hearing the voice of a familiar face, he smiles to Elva, giving her a small nod, before turning his attention back to Maria, awaiting an answer. Notes more than ready to be scribbled.

  • _Elva - who has been at the back of the classroom being quiet the entire lesson - raises her hand to ask a question

    "Um…c-can you give an example of a rare essence please..?"

    she lowers her hand and looks around, looking unsure of herself for some reason_

  • Faide smiles while writing down the newly aquired notes, scritching them down neatly on his papers.

    "That will be all for now miss Maria."

    His curiosity satisfied, he looks around the class to see what others will speak up.

  • I would considewr this to be pawrt of the same lesson, since it's all about the same spell. Essences can't be just cwreated, they need to be extwracted fwrom the animal owr cwreatuwre you want to change into. But not all pawrts of said cwreatuwres owr animals will wowrk fowr this, fowr example:

    To polymowrph into a wraven, you can't take just any pawrt of one. Twrying to use a wravens eye as essence fowr this spell will simply not wowrk. In this case, you need a feathewr, and not just one, you need -the- feathewr, the lawrgest one that it has.

    That's why you don't see all mages polymowrphing into many diffewrent things, they need the essences, and to get them, they firwst need to know what the essence is.

    Looks at him, with that look that means "is that all?". She doesn't look bothered but in fact enthusiastic

    //Note: This does not match de PnP description. There's no essences in PnP whilst in Narfell they are mandatory to use different shapes than the default NwN offers. I totally inveted my reasoning about why the need or how to get them, so any DM feel free to correct me if they idea is any different

  • Once again, the bright blue eyed Faide speaks up. Oh yes.. he's one of -those- students.

    "If its not too much trouble, could you please explain what exactly an 'essence' is? You said find them, which if this is the only possible way to get them, then so be it. But, can they not simply be created in some way?"

    He smiles, ever eager to learn more- then blinks a realization.

    "If this is a subject for another day then please don't mind me at all. I did not mean to take focus off the multiple shapes and their usefullness."

  • Looks at Faide with a smile

    That is twrue. This spell has othewr fowrms, of couwrse. Could tuwrn into an aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin owr any othewr humanoid fowrm you can think of. Thing is we need essences to do such, and those awre quite wrawre to find, except the most common ones like wrats, bats, chickens…

    I can't talk much about it, but we awre making some wreseawrch in the mattewr and maybe we'll find some new essences.

    As to cast this spell on othewrs, yes, it's possible. Howevewr, the subject has to willingly accept the change...

    Looks at him and then to the rest of the gathered.

    Any othewr question owr comment?