The spearfighter

  • Darmon was leaning up against a tree, lost in thought…

    You finally found him, Darmon, you were lucky, seeing as there was no trace of his caravan a few moonds ago…
    What had happened to him? He seemed so different...
    Saddened... battle hardened... not the merchant your father knew while I was a youngster...

    He shaked his head slightly, mumbling to himself once in a while

    That is no concern of mine… is it?
    This is your father's friend, you should not pretend as if his problems don't affect you...
    He was kind and welcoming, as he always has been, he even gave me a gift...
    And he still remembered you, and your father... he was saddened to hear of his death...
    This means he cares about it, but does that mean he will help me?
    I have a lot to achieve before I can return...
    He will help you, even more so than I do, and when you have regained your honor, we shall return and destroy Tolan for what he has done to you...

    He nodded slightly to himself

    But only Tolan… I do not wish to harm anyone else...
    It might be necessairy for you to...

    "No!" He said, then looked around to see if anyone had heard

    No, I will not harm anyone who does not deserve it…besides...
    if I have to earn my own flag and vanguard... I wish to become a commander in good standing...
    a righteous one...
    We will see what time brings...

    Darmon glared slightly at the burn in the shape of a pierced snake on his shoulder, as if warning it, then picked up his spear and walked off into the forest.

  • You pathetic weakling

    The thoughts rang through his head.

    You call that fighting? You will have to shape up, if you wish to become a commander

    The voice chuckled.

    I couldn't help it, there were four of those things, what do they call them… hobgoblins?
    In my life I have fought nothing but other humans, I did not know how they fight!

    A commander that does not know his enemy? tsk tsk…

    The voice chuckled again.

    I thought you were going to help me, you call this helping?

    Oh, but I am helping… do you feel the rage? The fury?
    It will help you...
    For now, it is all I can do... for now.

    The voice died and Darmon wiped the blood of his face.

    Use my rage, should I… very well.