Tigaro Jermorai- Tactics in the lands of barbarians

  • Login: Blackstep
    character: Tigaro Jemorai

    The class truns silent as soon as lord Tzu enters the room.
    Is it rumored lord Tzu comes from another land, however no one seems to know for sure… No one knows if it's true because no one was as old as lord Tzu, they say he is more than 700 hundred years old..

    Lord Tzu starts explaining his teaching about strategy's, tactics and other aspects of war.

    "Today's lessons are about the importance about the lenght of war, A war should never last long, to strike quickly is important. There has never been a long lasting war that was profitable, you hear me, not a single one. The weapons need to be replaced, vechiles need repairs and the fighting spirit of the soldiers die when time goes by"

    This part of the teaching didn't intrest Tigaro to much, the tactics one smaller scale had more intrest from him. There would be no way he would ever lead a big army.

    "To win each battle, takes a good general, but to win battles without raising a sword, without taking lives, shows a general utterly understands his job."

    With those words Lord Tzu ends his lessons, on Tigaro's way out Lord Tzu stops him.

    _"Tigaro, you seem to pick up the teaching rather quick, but you, unlike most others don't have a country or kingdom to serve when you're done. There is no place for you here, there are to many warlords here to many and your intrests seem different. I would dislike seeing your talents go to waste, so I had something in mind for you.
    he land of Narfell is populated by barbarians, all blinded by the battle and do not understand anything from tactics, here is where you would get the full possibility to use your talents.

    A boat is already waiting for you"_


    Tigaro sits with his legs on the table and his eyes closed

    Would Lord Tzu really understand what I want to use his teachings of strategy for? he's only guessing likely, however I like this trip. With all I've learned I could easily prove myself superiour to those barbarians, everyone knows a good organised group would last longer than some chaotic rebels. Bringing choas and disorder is even one of best effective tactics, which wouldn't even be needed there.

    Someone knocks on the door

    "Come in"

    A small human lady enters the room, she would be about 4.8 feet tall.

    "Sir, I am here to ask if everything as you wish, we've been asked to take good care of you. It must be bad to leave everything you had behind"
    Tigaro looks up
    "No, everything is alright, I think I could not ask more than I size made room, could I"
    Tigaro winks to the lady
    "You can go now"

    The lady leaves the room and closes the door behind her

    Phah, leave all those things behind, what did I really have? took a purse and some good talking to get inside the school of Lord Tzu, the allowance of living there would be all I had.
    Even no family, both parents killed because of being at the wrong place at the wrong time and that would be about all the family I've ever known.

    Tigaro starts to grin
    And it sure made me stronger, while others are afraid, I can go on, where others can be stopped I can go on. The best thing about having nothing is that you have nothing to lose

  • Reviewed - XP Pending.

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