A feast for everyone!

  • _::Word spreads around Norwick that Rith Phoenixfeather is holding a Winter Veil feast for the people of Norwick in the name of the Morninglord. Any residents and foreigners, whether they're farmers or the chancellor herself, are welcome to join the feast to enjoy the finest dishes and beverages atop the hills near the Temple of Lathander.

    As the night gets deeper, more and more people of diferent classes join to enjoy the meal and the company, and to toast together in good spirits in a day of celebration to forget troubles for a while. Farmers, crafters, politicians and knights of Lathander alike mix as if they were one family.

    The high priestess herself is present at the feast at all times tending to that everyone coming is satisfied and leaves with a full stomach, and a happy face::_

    //It's not a specific PC event, but there are some tables and kegs with nice food and drinks set up near the temple of Lathander, so feel free to help yourself to them and RP some along the way. All the expenses have been paid by Rith ingame.

  • Jerrick, too, pays a visit. Though he makes no attempt to go near the doors, he mingles, socializes, and generally enjoys the happy atmosphere of the place while it lasts.