Moon River

  • Facts

    Height: 173 cm
    Weight: 65 kg toned muscles
    Age: Mid thirties
    Skin colour: Fair
    Eyes: Open and sincere amber coloured, however can easily change to a stare equivalent to bolts of fire if the occasion arises
    Hair: Rich and heavy long red locks, there are some sunlit streaks which gives it the appearance of fire let loose
    Accent: Nothing relevant
    Commonly spoken languages: Common,
    Race: Human
    Equipment Worn: Depends on situation and day.
    Relatives: Sister Mystic River and a lost lover Iathouz (elf)
    Recognizable features. A letter is branded on her right shoulder. Only revealed to a few
    Left Handed or Right Handed: Right Handed
    Body Build: Her exterior and constitution is best described as one of an Olympic swimmer, long and toned muscle the screams power of endurance. Wide shoulders and long legs
    Favourite thing to do: Apart from training horses… swimming and relaxing hot baths