Flaming River Boats

  • _After the attack on the river boats many defenders are seen scrambling about the docks. The cut off on trade leaves many low income families starving, and even rich merchants are starting to feel a slight dent in their pockets. Many unemployed dock workers decide to spend more time at the ferret grumbling and mumbling about governmental failure.

    Guards are found across the docks district busting criminals as crime slowly begins to pick up. It seems that slowly but surely the makings of crime, starvation and rioting are brewing…

    Defenders and guards will notify anyone who asks, that they're awaiting orders and not to panic._

  • _Senator Ronan is seen in the docks district, offering out gold and food to those who are in dire need of it… should they wish to accept it.

    He gives most attention to the women and children about the dock area, making sure he helps as many as he can from starvation while the mess is figured out._

  • _The crisis on the River affects imports and exports for a few days, before the resourceful deep-water vessels of city begin to supplement any loss of trade from Norwick with over Lake imports. This increased trading by these companies sees many of those out of work from the riverboats employed on the deep-water ships of the lace, the dock soon is buzzing again with activity.
    The cost of this is the increase in prices of food and wood in the city, many lower paid feel the pinch as the cost of bread increases and many craftsfolk find their work more costly and margins reduced as the price of timbre increases.

    The traders who supply Norwick seem especially despondent, having to try and find over lake trade for their goods, a costly venture._