Blackstep character's

  • Frudoc Sorn

    Frudoc is a little short than most hin, about 2,8 feet. He might be a bit shorter than most, however, he's a bit thougher buildt too. He would be judged on about 34 pounds.
    His brown hair is pulled into a tail except the hair in his sideburns, it just hangs there. Frudoc's eyes are drown with big pupils.
    Frudoc hardly has any accent, even quite rare to find hin to speak common and hin so accentless as Frudoc.
    It's hard to see if Frudoc is a strongheart hin or lightfoot, seems to have a bit of both.

    In a pocket you can see a unique dagger, safely stored there, other then the dagger he has a short sword attached to his belt.
    Frudoc wields his blades like he's left handed, but he uses his right hand to use his sling, uses his left hand to open doors, but uses his right to pick up things from the ground.
    Whenever Frudoc pulls up his sleeve you could see a bracer like thing around his arm with a symbol of a shield with a cornucopai on it.

    Frudoc has been looking a little less confident than he used to do

  • Tigaro

    A hin 3 of foot tall, looking serious, with a grin from time to time. That grin, that expression, looks like he has everything under control, but that could not be, he is just a hin, just a… hin.
    His body seems to be in excellent shape muscular would be a big word, more like... a iron man. No huge muscles, but still all you could see on him would be muscles... muscles and bone.

    His haircut... you could his it's rather remarkable, his black hair is pulled back in a tail. Only not all of it, the hair on top and at the backof his head is, however the hair on the side hangs just loose against his head.

    You can notice a bit of accent on his speech, not much, it's a quite uncommon accent, likely froma land far away, somewhere in Kara-tur likely.