In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • I understand that trust is a commodity that is in short supply at the moment. There are many different motivations behind all of us being here. Some simply hope to defend their lands. Others may be seeking glory. There is even the possibility that there is at least one among us that hopes to betray or misinform us.

    I have faith that in the end light will reveal and either reward or condemn the motivations of all of us. But it is vital that information is not withheld from those who seek to join us in our quest. A gift is upon me and all who walk the paladin's path to be able to detect evil motivations. All who I have worked with so far have I have not detected the taint of evil upon. Would not the desire to thwart our plans come from an evil motivation? Would such a one be able to walk freely amongst the paladins who have joined this cause and be able to enter this sanctuary?

    Let us be be eager to bring comrades into this fellowship and not to exclude any based on political or social difference. Unity is our best defence and strongest weapon in this struggle.

  • Vladimir Takes Rico to the side and whispers to him

    //check PMS 🙂

  • Rico speaks: Vladmir, your allegiance is to Oscura, who have traded with and given safe passage to the Shadovar. For what reason would you seek to aid us?

  • *Vladimir joins the meeting just outside the temple of Lathander, he knows perfectly well he is not the most welcome but doesnt seem to care

    "_I have come into some information which needs to be known if these Shadovar are to be defeated.

    A group of us found a scroll, amongst the Shadovar dead.

    It detailed there motives, apart from what they are searching for it seems they have a higher priority.

    They need a control rod, this control rod is needed for their plans to activate the artefact. THis was trying to be kept hidden.

    It is unsure of where it is, as they clearly did not know either.

    Yet the details are sketchy, they appear to point towards somewhere in the Rawlins, perhaps the Lost City or in the old elven camp?_"

    He hands around a copy of the note he found


    The rod must be found at all costs, this is to be our first priority. Do not let those who would work against us know of this, it is crucial to our success. Search the forst south of the town of Norwick.


    "_I know i am not someone who alot of you would normally trust, yet i guarantee i am working with you on this.

    This needs to be our first priority._"

  • _Among a trip under the crypts, a group of Shadovar sprung an attack. The werewolven warrior smelled a strange smell ending at the lakes, and the Shadovar carried several orbs and a scrap of paper with a name on it.

    The name of a Shadow Dragon._

    Rico speaks to those gathered on the subject:

    _Perhaps it was the Dragon Aelthas smelled, lying in wait beneath the lake…it was certainly large enough. Maybe the Shadovar were sent to contact it. We could go back and investigate.

    In the mean time, we need more clues to head off the Shadows. As Janick has suggested, we should look for places of great death, far from the light._

  • _::Rith Phoenixfeather is seen at all times in the Shrine of Lathander, offering her healing and curing services and being source of courage and inspiration to the holy warriors of the Morninglord gathered in Norwick.

    Every morning she gathers all the dawnbringers and paladins atop the hills next to the temple to welcome the coming of the new day. Lathanderite banners flap gently in the morning breeze as the clear sound of silver trumpets announce the Dawn. Rallying shouts and hymns are heard across the valley as the Lathanderites prepare each day to fight as if it was their last, but with the possitive and joyful spirit as if they were going to live forever::_

  • A Shadowy orb is seen being handed over into Jannicks possession, the priest of Lathander comments that he will examine it to find out what he can.