In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • @0fb2b873fc=Fraoch:

    Well, why was she taken and what are they after?

    They took her because she figured all this out! Because she's th' best 'f us. And there greatest threat.

    I don't know what there ritual is, but if we kin close off these 5 places ot them then they'll never git a chance 't go through with it.

  • Troff, a few orbs were found recently, if Ama'beal hasn't given them to you yet, you should go speak with her. I saw least two and heard of more but had to leave.

  • Well, why was she taken and what are they after?

  • @1f6fc768d8=Fraoch:


    Senator Mariston, I have come into information that is vital. I know why Val was taken, and I am almost positive what the shadovar are after.

    These things the person knows, however:

    No mention of why she was taken.
    No mention of what they are after.

    And no name. Very likely a trap.

    Either that, or a case of pointing us where wanted, without knowing why. Having been used like that before? I have no wish to be again so foolish.

    This was information discovered by going over Val's research.

    Mariston, 'm we should git our group t'gether 't th' barrows 's soon 's we are able. Caelisar says he kin git us across 't th' shadow relm, then we kin use orbs 't git back. But we need mages 't help us make sense 'f shit when we're on th' other side.

    I know Ronan will help, who from th' divine shield will go? 'n we only have so many orbs.

  • Hammer looks at Elidor.
    "I still haven't seen you handing anything over to Mariston. Or Jannick."

  • @ecc2c95129:

    Senator Mariston, I have come into information that is vital. I know why Val was taken, and I am almost positive what the shadovar are after.

    These things the person knows, however:

    No mention of why she was taken.
    No mention of what they are after.

    And no name. Very likely a trap.

    Either that, or a case of pointing us where wanted, without knowing why. Having been used like that before? I have no wish to be again so foolish.

  • "Senator Mariston, I have come into information that is vital. I know why Val was taken, and I am almost positive what the shadovar are after.

    The five places of death where the light needs to be extinguished are, Norwick crypts, Peltarch barrows, Oscuran crypts, the lost city and mintas . Val was taken in the Peltarch barrows. there must be a weakspot there, allowing the shadovar easy access to Pelt, if we could get a group there, they could dvine where she was taken, and maybe find this place the shadovar are using. I know how to crossover there and how to get back, once there, we might find her, but more importanly we might be able to close the opening they use, making pelt safer, I think I know how to do that as well.

    Please Sir Mariston I beseech you as a Senator and as a Divine Shield to help me. I Can not get to the barrows on my own, and I have no magical abilities. Just a strong arm and an a desire to save our realm and a friend."

    I hath received the following, we must act on this as a matter of urgency, I hath informed the senate and ask that all aid be rendered to those brave folks fighting this foulness.

    Do we hath the body of squire Cedric? ::Mariston’s jaw clenches::

    There will be a reckoning with the perpetrators of this, no mercy shall be their reward.

  • Priest Janick

    "The death of Cedric saddens me greatly"

  • Eluriel arrives with a grave expression to address those gathered.

    Having been home, past Jiyyd was something indicative that the Shadovar will soon find their way to the Catacombs and Mintas both:

    A strange shadow storm appeared to the East of jiyyd, just on the outskirts of Jiyyd. Purplish lightning cracked from the sky and Darkness fell over the area. What exactly occured is beyond the comprehension of the farmers and commoners who witnessed it. Some just assume it a bad storm and head indoors.

    Of Cedric…

    The slim elf weaves her way through them to address Jannick.

    An image created by one who paints only those who have entered the fugue pictures Cedric surrounded by shadow, his heart missing.

    You brother is faith is dead. My sorrow for your loss.

  • After a visit back to the city, Aelthas comes limping back into the Temple smiling. He leans against a wall for a moment, catching his breath before he addresses those present.

    We have a dozen more to our cause. After a recent assassination attempt on my life by the Shadovar, word has been sent out and followers of the Moonmaiden have arrived. Priests and warriors, ready to fight the growing darkness here.

    With luck, they will have some extra information on the agents of Shar and what they might be looking for. I have not yet had much of a chance to discuss such things with them, but I will attempt to do so as soon as I am able.

  • One would suggest these globes are investigated further, we hath the able knowledge of the bards and the Ceruleans. The Spellweaver Keep is a mere stones throw away.
    Let us first learn what we must of our foe and their powers, so whence we strike we do so with precision and massive damage.

  • Agreed, the shadow globes are key to entering the shadow realm. As such, they need to be at the hands of those who can use them for good.

  • I won't stop looking fer Val, 'n I wont stop fighting th' Shadovar. But 'm going 't need help, and 't find Val we might need 't become a bigger thorn in there side in finding whatever they're looking fer. Wherever th' shadows are if my blade kin be there 't will.

    Is there a mage who kin enchant a cage or a rope that is bright enough there's no shadows near 't? so I kin catch a shade 'n maybe git some answers.

    Scryings failed us here. But th' Shadovar know where she is.

  • The globes allow people to enter the shadow plane and go out of them. If you only posses one, you can only go in…and without another to move out, you'd be stuck there. I advice that we keep them, for they might proof really useful.

  • Priest Janick

    "And on the matter of these Shadow Globes, do we know how many we have in our current possession? Has anyone found the secrets they hold? what is their purpose? should we be destroying them or holding onto them? "

  • Priest Janick

    "A noble plan, Dondiah"

    "Perhaps we can begin bringing all those scholars and loremasters together to look at all the clues. Perhaps someone will step up and organize such an endeavor? I myself find myself far to occupied in preperations."

    "The dissapearance of Val Kyrie and Cedric Beaumonte are both troubling, we need to, we MUST find ways to allocate some resources into the efforts to find them. Perhaps in the task of finding the whereabouts and possible rescue of these can fall on the shoulders of Troff? Or is it perhaps that you are too involved emotionally in this and thus should allow for others to seek her out should the worst have occured?"

    "My intention is to remain here with Rith and my other Dawnbringers to continue bolstering Norwick against further incursion and to ensure the Temple is safe from the prying eyes of evil. But with the absence of Cedric we must seek someone to lead, one of you heroes must have the courage to lead the charge against our shadowy foe."

  • Elidor frowns, pushes himself from the wall, and directs to people with respect, but with a tone of voice that makes anyone aware that he feels hurt

    I wasn't running off with nothing. She demanded it from me. Poor forms. Also, she said she wanted it to give it to the legion. Instead, I brought it here. Which is surely better, as you all say this place is the one to share and keep things.

    Also, Mariston, I'm pretty sure you are aware that one of the first groups to get a coppy of the journal I found, was the order of the divine shield. And this happened because I shared it on purpose with Rith.

    I'm getting sick of hammerhand and his insults, attempts to tarnish my name and discredit me. I've helped with this as much as anyone else, if not more. I've nearly died in several occasions to protect information from the enemy or to retrieve it, and yet all I get from it is insults, untrust and stupid claims of cooperation with shadovars.

    Let us stop this already, for it benefits no one as Mariston says

  • Well how about something that plays to everyones strengths?

    We could have a group of researchers, those that fancy themselves the brightest, that will work on piecing this all together, anyone with lore can come to one of these people.

    Another group can gather information bye questioning other adventurers and townsfolk on occurances, sightings and attacks of these creatures and perhaps gather motive out of it.

    Perhaps yet another group can go outwards and investigate the areas where these occurances happen, or where lore is told of these creatures.

    Finally we can all come back here, with our experiences and information and create a well informed plan of attack? A puzzle makes more sense when the peices are together.

    Any thoughts?

  • Legion

    Too right.

  • Perhaps we can strive to work together on this rather dangerous issue, we hath missing people, our lands our in danger.

    Things that cannot be tolerated in such matters; is everyone pulling in different directions, running off with items, demanding items or accusations.

    By the gods I am sure these Shadovar are laughing at the ineptitude and lack of loyalty and duty being shown by us. We are making their task easier the more we bicker and seek to self aggrandise.