In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • _"Right, just like I expected, Elidor did it again.

    One of the orbs was spotted in the pass, and Lyda tried to get it. She got Elidor's help in this, but he ended up stealing the shadow orb and turning invisible, leaving Lyda to fend off the Hoarans herself. And almost die in the process."

    Hammer looks at Mariston pointedly at this.

    "Do you still think he can be reasoned with? That we shouldn't treat him like the traitor he is? He's even walking around in black robes these days."_

  • @02da77284d=Kayleb:

    Alright… maybe we should just take some chill berries and relax a bit.

    Best thing we can do now if follow leads. and do more research. Find out more about what they are looking for and where they may be hiding now.

    We know where they're hiding. They're in th' Norwick Crypts, they claim 't as there own.

  • Hess stands and regards Troff carefully before speaking.

    "It seems to me that the Shadovar know exactly what they are doing, and that they are succeeding based on your reactions here.

    "They are counting on a heartfelt, emotional response. So far, that's what they are getting I think. Logic would dictate that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. As sad as it is that one of our friends is lost, it would be devastating to put others in danger because of it. Surely this is what they are expecting.

    I have met Val a few times and am saddened that she is not with us. I do not know her as well as many of you–but I would ask her close friends to consider what she would tell you to do if she could speak to you right now. I am betting she would not want others sacrificed, possibly many innocents, because of her situation.

  • Legion

    Alright… maybe we should just take some chill berries and relax a bit.

    Best thing we can do now if follow leads. and do more research. Find out more about what they are looking for and where they may be hiding now.

  • Troff lets out a low throaty growl to Hammerhand. His eyes flash with anger at him.

    I am not giving up on Val just because it might be to hard! Th' Shadovar took her, th' Shadovar know where she is! I'll find one myself and git th' words outa him 'f I have to!

    Troff fumes after his outburst looking all the people who suggested giving up on Val with a hard angry stare.

  • _"… are you seriously that naïve? You didn't think there would be losses?

    It sounds like Val could travel into the plane of Shadows and back. So -of course- they would target her. Nobody ever forced her to tamper with this sort of magic, but she still did. Just what -exactly- do you think we can do that -doesn't- involve the Shadovar getting free shots at us while we're chasing this?"_

  • Legion

    Folks, if the shadovar specifically targeted Val then I would say it was because they know that keeping her a prisioner or killing her aids them and puts us behind. It's a step forward for them and a step back for us. That's why we need her back.

    That, and … well .. if we stop caring about our comrades then what good are we? May as well let the Shadovar just takeover the place if we don't care about each other.

  • _Hammer nods in agreement with Helena.
    "We'd only waste time and, probably, people trying to find Val right now. It's not pretty, but there's nothing we can do at this point aside from praying for the gods to throw their own weight behind us.

    What we can do is try and find Cedric, but we shouldn't focus on that too long either. He came here to fight the Shadovar, and he probably would want for that to get done, rather than getting saved at the cost of.. well, probably a lot."_

  • Helena comes to speak out her opinion on the matter:

    "Val is captured, yes. She knows a lot of our plans. However, look at the matter - it is distracting us from the main goal of defeating the shadovar. Daisy tried to, not only scry on her, she used Discern Location - which was intervened divinely by one miss S.H. Arr. It is my opinion, that to locate and rescue Val, we first must defeat the Shadovar - to make this deity pull her stakes from the game, and thus make finding Val even possible."

  • Legion

    If they grabbed her it's either because they want to use her or they want to keep her from helping us. At the very least, we should recover whatever is left of her so she can be resurrected.

    If it's true that she can move in and out of the plane of shadow then she is going to be a key when it comes to defeating them.

  • "It has to be said though: while we're putting our time and efforts into finding and saving her, we're not getting closer to defeating the Shadovar. And you can be sure they aren't waiting for us either."

  • Legion

    folks may not have noticed Marty at the meeting. She's short.

    Any venture to find and rescue the Bard Val will have the full support of the Legion.

  • Then I shall ask where didst they take Cedric?
    No paladin would become blooded to that foul place, tis folly in the extreme. If they hath taken him to Oscura twouldst would bode ill indeed.

    Now Val went missing where, in the barrows under Peltarch?
    Hmm hath thou asked the Cerulean Knights to investigate in case of possible magical traces?

    //Charisma 17 (no buffs)

  • Ael'Que responds to Mariston, repeating most of what Troff had said

    Val was taken by the Shadovar. The one who took her was a powerful mage. We have had Lady Daisy try to scry for her. So far we have had no luck. We believe she was taken for something she knows. Something she might not even realize is important to them. A search of her room at the colledge revealed no clues.

    As far as Cedric, some in Oscura have been trying to get him there for sometime. They even had him considering to be Blooded. I had thought he was over that foolishness. I fear if they have finally lured him there, then a resue party will be needed. I can not imagine why they would have wanted him there, except for evil purposes.

  • Toff having calmed down since the inital shock, but still looking more than a littel angry and sad at the whoel ordeal explanes further.

    Some 'f us went 't th' pelt barrows, the' crypts under Pelt looking fer shades. Well, we found them. They started throwing up all 'f blades and fire. Hearding us I think, towards one 'f th' ways out.

    When we almost got out some shade came 'n he.. he held us all. With big green hands liek Ronans. Then th' shade said he was going 't take her… and she was gone. I couldn't protect her. We have 't find her.

  • ::mariston arrives for a visit::

    What is this regarding Val?

    And where is my squire? …..::mutters something about mucking out stables::

  • Where exactly was he seen last and which way were they walking?

  • @1f53628386=Radiant:

    The Paladin Cedric was last seen conversing with Vladimir, Quelcoth and a number of others. After declining an invitation to tea Cedric … walks off with them anyway.

    Hasn't been seen since.

    "Well, that's not good. Eluriel, do you think it would be possible to track him? Or do we have something in the way we can use to divine his location?"

  • María enters the temple, her face a mix of worry and anger

    We need to get Val back. What needs to be done.

  • Eluriel drops in for a while, a bag in her left hand.

    I would imagine Val's capture the result of her being able to cast Shadow Walk and enter their plane at will. When recovered, she may like to learn another spell in its place for so long as this threat persists.

    Though likely, all who are capable of casting planar portals are equally at risk.

    She stays for long enough to catch up on any other news then leaves, munching on an apple taken from the bag.