In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • Toff having calmed down since the inital shock, but still looking more than a littel angry and sad at the whoel ordeal explanes further.

    Some 'f us went 't th' pelt barrows, the' crypts under Pelt looking fer shades. Well, we found them. They started throwing up all 'f blades and fire. Hearding us I think, towards one 'f th' ways out.

    When we almost got out some shade came 'n he.. he held us all. With big green hands liek Ronans. Then th' shade said he was going 't take her… and she was gone. I couldn't protect her. We have 't find her.

  • ::mariston arrives for a visit::

    What is this regarding Val?

    And where is my squire? …..::mutters something about mucking out stables::

  • Where exactly was he seen last and which way were they walking?

  • @1f53628386=Radiant:

    The Paladin Cedric was last seen conversing with Vladimir, Quelcoth and a number of others. After declining an invitation to tea Cedric … walks off with them anyway.

    Hasn't been seen since.

    "Well, that's not good. Eluriel, do you think it would be possible to track him? Or do we have something in the way we can use to divine his location?"

  • María enters the temple, her face a mix of worry and anger

    We need to get Val back. What needs to be done.

  • Eluriel drops in for a while, a bag in her left hand.

    I would imagine Val's capture the result of her being able to cast Shadow Walk and enter their plane at will. When recovered, she may like to learn another spell in its place for so long as this threat persists.

    Though likely, all who are capable of casting planar portals are equally at risk.

    She stays for long enough to catch up on any other news then leaves, munching on an apple taken from the bag.

  • Aelthas, having been there most of the time simply stays to the back, leaning on his staff, watching and listening to all around.

    //So many threads and pm's, gets confusing after long days at work! Will try and re-read this and catch up on what was said when I get home tonight.

  • Having arrived late, pack bulging and rustling with paperwork and smudges of ink on her fingers and cheek, Lycka frowns in concern at the news. Softly, she notes to Troff:

    "Most magic is said to function normally on the shadow plane, so scrying should be possible. I've a mirror focus which enhances the spell - if you have need of it, just ask."

  • A very broken looking Troff Legion enters the temple with a bang of the doors. He wipes away the tears on his face to deliver his mesage, with a wild look in his eyes and a voice sounding hoarse

    Val, th' damn shadows took Val. I don, I don't know where. They- they took her in th' Pelt Barrows… I lost her again.

    He pauses for more than a moment gathering himself to continue.

    Daisy, she tried scrying fer her. Nothing. Please any caster more powerful at scrying try and find her.

    The shades have also claimed th' crypt to the underdark as there home. Feckers can't have it!

    We need- we shoudl try and capture a shade. Make it tell us where she is, so we kin find her. They need shadow to espace any shadow. So mabye tiemt hem up with a rope that glows reallyb right or something. I- I don't know.

    She might be on th' shadow plane, we could go there and try scrying. I we she just.. we have to

    At this point Troff gets to choaked up with his rabling and loss of ad ear friend to go on. He murmurs a lot about losing her again and needing to find her.

  • Priest Janick

    "Fadia, Perhaps we should scour the Rawlins to the best of our ability to either find one of these locations these riddles speak of or at the very least rule it out."

    "That Oscuran did speak of a Rod possibly being somewhere in the Forest, but I am wary to trust the word of any who cannot enter this temple"

  • They arrive from within patches of magical darkness, yes? These rifts their means of travel.

    Rather than perhaps following ever one step behind them, we might like to search places which have not these weaknesses in the barriers between the planes which seem to ease their travel.

    That is, places which while they may or may not be easily accessible to us, are highly inaccessible to the Shadovar. Places near which these pools of darkness are yet to be seen.

    ((Charisma 10 incidentally))

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Scoured or no, valuable evidence could still have been left behind.

  • @934509a309=Fadia:

    The Peltarch Barrows seem the most accessible of them. We should try for them first, I think, while brighter minds try to think of ways to get to the others.

    It's also one 'f th' least likly, and since it's easy 't git to th' Shadovar could have scoured it already.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The Peltarch Barrows seem the most accessible of them. We should try for them first, I think, while brighter minds try to think of ways to get to the others.

  • Yah a lot of the information or writings we find are old. Really old. These are the same sorts of clues that the Shadovar themselves are following to whatever piece of power they are looking fer.

    If not all of the shadow relm are at there beck and call that's a good thing. Means we git some time bought. Now, where and when should we start our search?

    Lost city, Arnath, Mintas, Peltarch barrows, Ormpur, Jiyyd, Oscuran Crypts?

  • With the door shut

    Priest Janick

    "Folks, be certain that we do not even know whether or not the letters and writings we are uncovering are left by the Shadovar themselves. I had the Paladin's recover the body of this Seminark fellow, it seems he from his possessions that he may in fact have been a scholar, or student of magic, he had various mementos of Oghma, Mystra and Azuth in his possession."

    "And on the Shadar-Kai, whilst they are native to the plane of shadow, I have uncovered some writings that would lead me to believe that while creatures of the Shadow they may not in fact be in league with the Shadovar themselves."

    "It appears that not all who dwell in this Plane of Darkness follow the call of the Shadovar and their leader or the Vile Mistress of the Night"

  • That is a grossly suspect thing to do.

    uses Detect Evil on Vlad, full bore

    //May want to ignore this part as I misremembered Vlad's alignment from previous readings. Rico should already know he's evil. That doesn't actually change any of his plans though.//

  • "So be it.. You lost yourself the only one who would be able to get you the knowledge that would be required to defeat them.

    I will continue my efforts, i will not stop whilst they walk these lands.

    Thankfully for you, i am above such petty things smirks a little, as if guessing they arnt Any information i find i shall give you one of your number. But please remember, parted we will not win.

    You are foolish to refuse aid and it will be your downfall. Yet i will not force help onto you if you wish to be childish over a breeze"

    with that Vladimir turns and leaves

  • Priest Janick

    "hmmm, do keep the door shut so we can discuss our matters without the elements joining in"

  • This meeting is held in the temple for very good reason.

    This being that it is impassable to evil.

    The town of Norwick is not similarly warded and thus Shadovar agents might come to lurk near to here.

    Be the door open they might easily hear all that is said, and make plans not only to reach whatever is our goal ahead of us, but so too launch attacks in sufficient numbers as to slay all of those heading towards that goal, that the Shadovar be unopposed.

    As such, I ask that either you come inside or leave, that Shadovar agents are not given easy access to the thoughts and plans of those gathered here.