In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • // To give a sence of location for any disgussions and information shared. allso to provide safety. Please post here. feel free to continue to use the other thread for simple rumours, though either are fine. //

    the Priestess of Nobanion is seen handing Janick a copy of her Notes.

    Random scribblings of a mad wizard.

    …..The light extinguished.....

    .....Doorways open.....

    .....Places of Death.....

    .....The Shadows come.....

    .....Night at its fullest.....


  • _::Suddenly, at the Fair Grounds of Norwick, a Portal opens and around twenty people step through it. It's the champions of the light that return victorious, and even though there were fallen allies, they were all returned to life without major inconveniences other than the usual scars left on the souls of those that visit the Fugue Plane.

    The gossip says that the Shadovar have been defeated in great numbers, including their leader Nekrathul. Further gossip speaks about an entity known as "the Dark Enchantress" made her appearance in the scene and being known as a wicked being with her own agenda, she was as well destroyed. Some more skeptical voices don't believe that was the last to be seen of neither the Shadovar, nor the Dark Enchantress::_

  • María nods

    That's a vewry good option. Considewr ouwr enemies to be one of the most clevewr ones, and it wouldnt suwrpwrise me that they could send some small gwroup to ouwr temple hewre to cause some misschief.

  • Priest Janick

    I will do what is required to offer as much safety to those not going and will have my fellow faithful on standby to assist the Town of Norwick should there be any futher attacks by Shadovar.

  • Yngdír speaks grimly.

    "_The assassin that attacked Raryldor and I near the Rawlinswood lake would have surely done better, had he a friend by his side. And the one that attacked Aelthas in the Peltarch Commons on te sae day.

    It pleases me to know that there will be those that will stay with you Janick. Those taking the journey may not be the only ones in danger._"

  • Priest Janick

    I will be setting up a triage within the Temple to deal with the fallen and wounded. Any who wish to not make the journey to battle the Shadows may remain with me and aid if they wish.

    Rith, Fadia and Val have spoken with me in length on what must be done, look to them for inspiration. I urge all those, even those who think that they cannot aid to consider it. Errand stones from slings have been known to bring down giants afterall, and the support one can recieve from having a friend at their side is greater than not having one.

  • Yngdír reads over the list of desred items, although having most of whats expected he moves out of the temple to buy a few more things.

  • Hammerhand reads over the list and then mutters.
    "Saving the world is damned expensive."

  • Lycka watches the meeting move behind closed doors, shakes her head and heads north.

  • I will be there when the time comes..

    Ronan says, offering no more words other then that.

  • ::A poster is pinned at the gates of the temple::


    For those intending to join the upcoming meeting at the temple and following expedition, please note that the journey will be difficult and we'll come across many deadly foes. For your own safety, you are advised to bring enough supplies and consumables to keep yourself functional during the whole trip. Whatever divine gifts that our priests can bring will likely need to be used for means to aid the groups to succeed. Healing can be easily conained in healing potions, and as such it would increase our chances to succeed drastically if no divine power had to be spent on such, other than absolute emergencies.

    Here are two suitable survival kits that we consider absolutely necessary to bring along, and everyone should be expected to. Please note that failing to provide self-sustainability will likely burden and hinder the whole group.

    Basic Survival Kit

    10 Cure Moderate Wounds Potions
    10 Cure Serious Wounds Potions
    100 Arrows of Eternal Rest (500 if an archer)
    3 Potions of Lesser Restoration
    10 days worth of food and drink
    Heal Kit

    Advanced Survival Kit

    All of the items in the Basic Survival Kit
    10 Potions of Critical Cure Wounds Potions
    1 Heal Potion
    3 Ultravision potions/scrolls/spellcrystals
    1 Clarity potion/sccroll/spellcrystal
    1 Remove Fear potion/scroll/spellcrystal
    1 Negative Energy Protection potion/scroll/spellcrystal
    1 Restoration potion/scroll/spellcrystal

  • The old meeting ends, a new one begins. The songstress, the priestess, and the druid meet together with Janick to discuss what is to come. Others join them as time goes on, but it seems that final preparations are being made. After the meeting, word begins to filter out of some things that were discussed…

    .. groups of six to eight people…

    ... two targets, not just one...

    ... come prepared, with healing potions on hand, don't rely on spells...

    ... bring arrows, bolts, bullets, heal kits, be self reliant...

    ... all to gather in a tenday, to begin the final battle ...

    // Event begins 17 hours from the time of this post

  • Legion

    Also keep in mind that It is unlikely that our assault against the shadow dragon would go unnoticed by the Shadovar. I am sure the Shadovar watch their enemy with a keen eye. If it goes as well as it could and the Shadovar see that we have defeated the dragon then they would do well to swoop in and take the artifact while we are weakened after the battle. I would if I were them. In fact, defeating the shadow dragon may be a boon to them.

  • Sol closes her eyes before looking around at the others

    I never once said that either task would be easy or even remotely withing the realms of simple accomplishment, but on that same note, Who here knows how to destroy one of these ancient cities? who knows how to destroy that wich has allready likely survived a near cataclysmic event to down it in the first place? We would need to know how to permanently destroy it in order to see that thier completion of the ritual cannot see fruition.

    Facing a shadow dragon, One with the power on equivalent of a demidiety, Is not something I take lightly, but at the same time, A raid upon this city of thiers is not a guaranteed sucess either.

  • _Hammer nods in agreement.
    "We should focus on accomplishing one of the two. Either way we wouldn't fully know what we'd be dealing with, but with the shadow dragon we'd at least know we're dealing with a shadow dragon, even though that'll be a pretty tough thing.

    That rift could really be anything, and lead anywhere. It might be just another deception, and a big one. Even if it leads to this old city, how exactly are we going to destroy it in a way that the Shadovar won't just repair it?"_

  • Yngdír considers what the others have said, but once again tries to reason with Rico and Sol'.

    "_I would recomend full strength for either endeavor. Facing a shadow dragon and possible, if not probable loyal minions will not be an easy task. Neither will it be an easy taskto infiltrate a likely Shadovar foothold thats already too close for comfort. I would advise caution if you choose to proceed against the dragon; and consider why the Shadovar have not already gone there. They can beat you. But can they beat the dragon? An interesting consideration as it is something they have so far avoided.

    No. If this new foothold is in fact the Shadovar's lost city then a full attack upon it with the intent to destroy will wholly ruin any plan that our enemy hopes to use against us. They may not give up, but their quest will ultimately be lost - the war may drag out - but they will have lost their greatest weapon. Destroy one or the other and you have won. There should be no need to divide our forces and attack both targets._"

  • Yngdir, We know the shadovar are seeking the five artifacts and that they ultimately need them all for the ritual they are planning, I'm sure others can fill in more details in this regard. But ultimately, our best shot at stopping them is to aquire and destroy one of the artifacts…. I've lost track now of how many have been lost to the shadovar, does anyone know if an artifact remains undiscovered beyond that wich the dragon holds?

    Soliel looks around for an answer.

  • Rico, the underdark cannot be scouted in the common meaning of the word. In the darkness, many are the things which have evolved senses to detect things other than by sight alone.

  • _"Why does this come up every time? I'm talking about sending two scouts. Two. To two different places. Right now. If all goes well, they're back in time for afternoon tea. Urgency we have, but I see no one with anything more productive to say and I would not risk lives on a matter where fighting our way past Quaggoths is the easy part without knowing exactly what they are walking into first."

    "As for the Dragon, the enemy of my enemy is still a great big manifestation of evil incarnate. Any price for an alliance with such a beast is one we cannot afford. The Shadovar are not so bound by right as we our. Through friendship, fealty, or force, they'll get what they want from Furlinastis. Our only option is to destroy the artifact first._"

    He speaks to the others about who would be willing to go have a quick peek. Stubbornness being in his nature, if he finds none he'll march right out and pay a fisherman for his rowboat.

  • Yngdír offers his thoughs.

    "Are we so comfortable as to send reconnaissance anywhere? The important task is to find out what the Shadovar are doing and stop them with ugency. I was told the dragon is no ally to our enemy, and for now should be noted with little consequence."