In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • Duncan walks into the temple and begins to ask questions to the Paladins standing about.
    I have decided to join you in arms against the Shadovar. Please, tell me what I can do to help. I too follow the morninglord and wish to strike down his vengance upon every souless shadow creature, untill this land is again blessed with his grace.

  • We should investigate, we have discovered other things they have missed. We need to do something.

    // I will go,, all depends on if I am IG when you all decide the time.

  • "I've never been one to avoid a possible trap. And truth-spelling the messenger would do little. You never tell the messenger anything."

    "But the Hoarans have also been attacked, and are as threatened by the Shadovar's quest as we are. They have as much to lose. I would hope that if successful, this might pave the way to an easing of tensions between our peoples. It is my hope that the offer is genuine, and that the Men of the East and West might stand together in this time."

    "I will go. If it is a trap I will spring it. But it also seems like a chance to learn what our true enemy is up to, and for new beginnings."

    To the messenger: "Tell your leaders a few of us will take the offer."

    //I'm booked Friday from 1800-2359 EST. What about the rest of you?

  • Council of Moradin

    Mike Bin, who was leaning on a wall adjusting his scrolls to his bow, says:

    • Traps, traps. Ambush, ambush. Blah, blah, blah. We can't be scared of every piece of information that comes our way. Besides some Hoarans have camped just outside Norwick, and showed no sign of agression.

    He pauses a moment, remembering his last meeting with he Shadovar, and rubs the back of his neck.

    • How about just going there, huh? We already went to several other places, I dont see why not following this lead too. The shadow people may have what they wanted from the place, but some usefull information may be found, right?

    Another pause, looking around…

    • Besides, I m sure if others have a better idea they can just follow another course of action. Divide and conquer, or something like that. Or they can just sit here and talk untill another clue presents itself and then begin to discuss that it may be a trap… or an ambush!

    After that, the young goes back to tie his scrolls to his bow, trying to figure out how wizards do it…

    (//any chance we do this tonight? Or maybe tomorrow?)

  • _Hammerhand lets out a grunt and shrugs.
    "Well, true. The Hoarans might as well handle this and get their hands on one of those magic artifacts or whatnot. What -would- they use it for?

    So what -will- we do? I'm getting tired of just standing around and talking about what we -could- do."_

  • ((double posted))

  • I'm also still standing here. From what our scouts reported the six who appear to have been left behind were four warriors and two scouts of their own. Unless they were divine casters, or perhaps rangers I don't believe that would make the caves the place of ritual, unless those left behind are guarding or preparing.

    Caution is always wise, but don't let caution err to paranoia. I will submit to truth spells if needed.

  • :Hess listens and nods to Lycka, carefully considering her words.:

    I understand.

    I also know that both a hare and a snake have equal fear of a hawk, yet no hare would willingly accept an invitation to a snake-den.

    The Hoarans have mighty warriors. Surely they, too, could send an expedition to these cold-caves. Yet they seek us to go. The same folks that they attack without provocation in the pass…

    Perhaps, instead, this should be viewed as a chance to strengthen ties. Maybe the Hoarans, too, should send someone to the caves. However, 2 snakes and one hare do not help the hare's chances of surviving. Especially if the snakes are fueled by revenge.

    I do not doubt that the Shadovar also plaguing the Hoarans. All I ask is that we not rush head-first into this without considering the outcomes, both positive and negative. It seems to me that this venture could easily be turned into the beginnings of a peaceful relationship should it be chosen.

    :Hess bows to the armored messenger::

    My apologies for referring to you as either a hare or a snake, ma'am. I am just trying to make a point.

  • With a light crease on her brow, Lycka notes:

    "The Children of Hoar have been under attack from the Shadovar themselves, on more than one occasion. And they stand to lose just as much as anyone else if the Shadovar fulfil their goals."

  • Hess pulls a piece of mistletoe from his beard and regards it thoughtfully as he removes one of the brought red berries. Focusing on the berry he speaks.

    "so, we are now ready to rush off to a potentially deadly ambush just because this messenger appears to be earnest?

    "it seems to me that this would be a quick way to bottle up and extinguish many of you heroes in this room, certainly something that the Hoarans would benefit from, yes?"

    "revenge is their life-force. Keep that in mind.

    "is there a priest amongst us who might discern whether she speaks the truth?"

    Hess smiles and nods to the armored messenger.

    "I am sure you would do the same in our shoes, yes?"

  • _"Right. Cold Caves it is.

    Never been there before either."_

  • What little colour is usually in Eluriel's face drains clear away as she echoes a phrase just spoken.

    All but six.

  • The short horribly scarred elf speeks up, he wears a pin on his cloak denoting him as a private in the Troff Legion, on his back he carries a large greataxe with symbols of Lathander.

    "Thanks fer th' information. We'll be getting a group 't check 't out and see what th' Shadovar dug up. Any aid th' scouts could give us would be nice, but 't sounds like they didn't see them enter th' cave 't all.

    Sounds like they mighta already got th' artifact, but maybe it was th' dragon this time. Either way we should check 't out."

    The elven warrior known as Troff Legion gives her a last nod of thanks then turns to the rest for volunteers.

    ((no idea when we can run this but finals week nearing a close and I'm all done with my important ones. Whenever would be good for me.))

  • A young woman in heavy plate enters the temple. Helmet under her arm, shield and spear on her back, she looks about the gathering, trying to discern who might be in charge or leading. Failing that, she'll announce in a clear voice.

    I am Danielle, and I bear a message from the Children of Hoar.

    Assuming that draws at least some silence.

    I have been sent with a message for those who are opposed to the Shadovar that have been plaguing the lands. In response to a message left us about the ritual they plan, we had increased our patrols of all known cave entrances around our the camp. Including gnoll woods, and spider woods.

    Our scouts observed close to eighteen men in dark armor, most appearing warriors enter the Cold Caves from the gnoll woods. Hours later, all but six were seen to depart carrying an item. Sadly, it was only our scouts that observed this, and they were not under orders to engage.

    Jonathan is making allowance for any who wish to investigate the Cold Caves about this matter. We will not harass you within the gnoll woods, nor the caves assuming you make no moves towards the camp itself.

    Looking over those assembled one more time, finally she nods.

    Shall I bring back any messages?

  • Then they've also a Paladin. Cedric has not been seen for some time…That makes two of six at least.

  • Th' crypts they are currently infesting connect 't th' underdark. I think we should go down there 'n see if we can't find something. Arnath still seems like a likly place 't me fer any Shadovar goings on.

  • Hess, Jerrick's apprentice speaks up.

    "I was amongst the first group to encounter the shadow-people. They were centered and based out of a small cavern south of the Glenn where the goblins keep their wolves.

    "they were searching for, and apparently found something in that cavern. We would do well to keep an eye on it as well. The crypts and these other places are obvious and therefore could throw us off track while the perform their ritual in a less likely dark place."

  • "Yes - the barrows trip is what Maria told us about. I can give a more detailed report if anyone here wants to know more."

  • _"Well the crypts are easy to reach at least. If people regulary go down there they might be able to at least disrupt things somewhat.

    And there's still Mintas to raid.

    Any luck getting into the barrows?"_

  • "I don't know where this ritual is meant to be held, but the document itself was found in the Norwick crypts, on a powerful caster in the large room before the stairs down to the lower levels. The Shadovar presence in those crypts is -very- strong, and we were forced to retreat after only a quick peek down the stairs. It could be that the ritual was planned to take place there, though after our strike, perhaps they'll rethink. I really can't hazard a guess, but only my own speculations at this point. Perhaps the ritual is why the druids apprentices were attacked too. Were any abducted that we know of?

    As for Vladimir, I wouldn't believe that story unless he could show me the item in question - and even then, ask yourself why the dragon's forces would keep attacking if they already have what they came for?"