In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • Hess, Jerrick's apprentice speaks up.

    "I was amongst the first group to encounter the shadow-people. They were centered and based out of a small cavern south of the Glenn where the goblins keep their wolves.

    "they were searching for, and apparently found something in that cavern. We would do well to keep an eye on it as well. The crypts and these other places are obvious and therefore could throw us off track while the perform their ritual in a less likely dark place."

  • "Yes - the barrows trip is what Maria told us about. I can give a more detailed report if anyone here wants to know more."

  • _"Well the crypts are easy to reach at least. If people regulary go down there they might be able to at least disrupt things somewhat.

    And there's still Mintas to raid.

    Any luck getting into the barrows?"_

  • "I don't know where this ritual is meant to be held, but the document itself was found in the Norwick crypts, on a powerful caster in the large room before the stairs down to the lower levels. The Shadovar presence in those crypts is -very- strong, and we were forced to retreat after only a quick peek down the stairs. It could be that the ritual was planned to take place there, though after our strike, perhaps they'll rethink. I really can't hazard a guess, but only my own speculations at this point. Perhaps the ritual is why the druids apprentices were attacked too. Were any abducted that we know of?

    As for Vladimir, I wouldn't believe that story unless he could show me the item in question - and even then, ask yourself why the dragon's forces would keep attacking if they already have what they came for?"

  • _That's howrrible news…It's a vewry dangewrous writual that we must stop at any cost. At which places do you think could this writual take place then? IS that why they wewre aftewr the Dwruid's appwrentices, because they need a castewr fwrom the natuwre too?

    In wregawrds of Vladmiwir, I asked him about the object you mention, and he said that it wasn't an awrtifact, but just anothewr thing they looted fwrom the bawrrows._

  • "Then he admits to both having been there and working for the Shadovar? The villagers said one of the persons in the first group from the Prime left bearing an item which caused them great pain, so either Vladimir is lying, or the villager is.

    I have more to share, important news on the ritual found in the Norwick crypts. Ronan studied the document and it's even more omnious than it appeared at first glance.

    The Rite of Unwinding is a Sharran ritual intended to suppress the Weave in an ever-expanding region, slowly creating a dead magic zone to suppress the Weave without actually destroying it - since destroying the Weave would cause the Shadow Weave to fail also. With the completion of this ritual, the Shadow Weave would work, and the normal Weave fail.

    The ritual must be centered in some form of cavern or place of darkness and begins spreading out in concentric circles from that point. Vital to this ritual is the sacrifice of the life force of six casters, one of each caster type. This might be the reason for abducting Val - though likely she's being kept alive until they have everything they need to go through with the plan.

    I don't think I need to point out how horrid the consequences of this ritual would be for us.. although I wonder if the likes of Vladimir know the end result he is really working for."

  • it'd seem, against populawr believe aftewr ouwr last "mission", that the oscuwrans do not have any awrtifcat. This is at least what Vladimiwr says, and I'm not saying we should twrust him , but we should also not assume he's lying. He claims that when they awrrived thewre it was alwready taken, and he believes that the shadow dwragon took it himself….but as I said, this isn't necesawry twrue...nowr false.

  • "Fair enough."

  • @7252d1cbe6=cardamon:

    That supports a minor inkling I have…I don't think the Shadovar can get through the rifts as easily as we can with the globes.

    They can actualy go as easily as just opening a wrift themselves…without the need of one of them.

    Then turns to hammerhand

    They offewred us lot of valuable infowrmation, offewred sheltewr to wrest, twice...we helped them deal with a thwreat that was making theiwr lives missewrable and they even offewred us some useful items they had scavenged fwrom the battle fields.

  • "What kind of friends? Why exactly are they 'friends'?"

  • We didn't find Val…but ouwr twrip was not entiwrely pointless. We gathewred a lot of owrbs and found some impowrtant notes and writuals which Aelthas will explain to use once they've been deciphewred. We also made a few fwriends with people of the shadow plane, which in the futuwre might pwroof vewry useful.

  • That supports a minor inkling I have…I don't think the Shadovar can get through the rifts as easily as we can with the globes.

  • _My wreseawrch has detewrminated that the globes can't be wrepwroduced in any way. I even doubt a shadow weave usewr would be able to, but of that I can't be suwre.

    Anways, even if we use these globes to go out and in the shadow plane, it's a fact that those that those who awre adept in shadow magic do -not- need and actualy not use these.

    Makes one wondewr why we see so many awround then._

  • ((Take me off the roster. I need to concentrate on Physics and Rico's gotten a little less survivable, anything that's a challenge for that group is a little overwhelming, and I don't want to play Rico if he's not frontline.))

  • (Ael accepts Maria's offer but seems to ignore Helena's)

  • Helena also offers her aid - openly.

  • María also offers her aid to Ael's expedition, would her aid be accepted

  • María Steps forward, pushing gently her cloack to her back

    "I've been studying and wreading some on the mattewr, and I've come with a possible useful Idea. It might not wowrk though, but I believe it's wowrth twrying. It might be possible that upon some wreseawrch on those shadow globes accompained with a Legend Lowre spell that can wreveal some intewresting pwropewrties and infowrmation that could allow me to wrepwroduce the effects of those globes inside a pewrfect spell cwystal"

    Looks at the gathered waiting for the hushed conversation to end

    This means that I will need a pewrfect spellcwrystal, so if anyone has one….I can bwring my books fwrom the keep hewre and do the study inside the temple, so the shadow globes awre kept safe still.

    Nods and goes back to her spot

  • ((Is this for today or tomorrow?))

  • (Ael walks in with a frown on his face)

    I suppose this will sound like a coincidence but as we are planning the Barrows trip, the entrance from both sides is damaged? We have spies for sure, and we need to move sooner, So far the the list of those going include;

    Troff –------------- Eluriel
    Me------------------ Ronan
    Elsbeth -------------Moon

    Any one else please let me know, we will be going sooner then I planned. Hopefully this will keep our enemies on their toes for once.

    // Time is now going to be Sunday 2pm Central US . This works best for Ncharman, he is running several that day.