Est'elle Nightwalker
PC name: Est'elle Nightwalker
Login name: A_preacher[one night in Peltarch…]
''a thief have already sneaked into a house and stands calm, watching the couple sleeping peacefully. Slowly and quietly grabs the dagger, ready to commit murder. Silence before the storm…Only the reflection from the moonlight betrays one eye lurking in the shadows behind the thief. The hunter becomes the pray…
Ready to make his move, the assassin places his body gracefully over the sleeping couple and swiftly stabs them.Or tried until the very last moment though, right when he felt a soft wind behind him. Only then he realized he was being watched all this time.One last breath as he felt his neck being slashed, he tries to look at his back and a faint image of his own blood leaves the taste of a ‘how’…
The couple woke up by his falling and with terror looks around to try and see what it’s going on. Only an opened window with a soft wind invading the room… Back to watching the thief, his back was pierced and slashed through all the way up from his waist to shoulders. Cut like silk… Screams and shouts woke up the entire neighbor. None saw anything.Assassins failed once more to kill the nobles… ''
[Flashback twelve years back to a scene where Est’elle play with her toys by the fireplace and her father, the same saved person that night, watching her]
''Tell me again Est’elle. You will grow up to be a kind Lady, won’t you now?''
''Yeah daddy, I ll be a good girl and have babies and raise them and….''[the happy girl says dreamingly…]
Reviewed, XP Pending!
//edited as i thought it was a known fact for Est'elle born and raising in excuses.