Dead hoarans

  • rumor spreads along the nars that any hoaran that gets too close to the safe passage at the eastern side of the pass is found burnt and dead. Rumors speak about a shadow-like figure.

  • Word spreads that the Hoarans have attacked yet again in the safe passage, this time involving General Theaon and Sergeant Yngdir of the Legion, as well as Devlin of the Norwick Militia and the dwarf Vanderkaus. Appearently it started out with Theaon talking to one of the archers, then once Devlin arrived a fight broke out, and Theaon ended up being petrified by a Hoaran mage. In the end, about 6-10 Hoarans, including the mage, were killed and a few hours later Theaon was unpetrified. Some people are on their last nerve with the Hoaran's aggressive behavior it seems. Hopefully Peltarch diplomacy works, otherwise things could get nasty real fast.

  • _Near the safe pass leading to the Legion tower, shouts were heard and arrows flew. Along with that there was the chanting of spells, bright lights, and ice falling from the sky.

    Any curious enough to look at the aftermath would see that the Hoarrans attempted to ambush someone or something that proved to be too much for them. Arrows litter the small ridge leading toward the safe passage, Hoarrans lay dead from either a crushing impact or severe burns. The squad of Hoarrans ranging between 7-10 in number, all dead._