Blood in the Rawlins

  • _Bodies of mutilated animals are scattered around the Rawlins. Deer, badgers litter the ground in the wood. They seem to have been attacked by hand, yet there is something odd about them. They seem to have been ripped open by thin scratch marks, almost by claws.

    The body of a white stag near Norwick is the most prominent of all. Its abdomen shattered and ripped, dark red of its blood scattered the ground.

    Crudely written on the grass with its blood are the words_


  • Through his patrols, Rasuil notes the locations of each mutilated kill he's found on a crude map, plotting out his preys common hunting path and marking out its territorial borders, concentrating his efforts within.

    Finding the heavy tracks which should prove little challenge for him to follow (if less than two days old) he follows their direction, forgoing stealth for speed to close the distance on his prey.

    If the tracks prove to be older, he backtracks them to discover where they came from instead of their destination.

  • @158f5bf8fc=Mhilan:

    Rasuil doubles his patrols around the Rawlins. Noting the carcasses being tended to, he takes an opposite approach to the situation from Yngdir.

    Dressed in his shadow leathers with his deadliest arrows filling his quivers, he carefully scans the area around any recent kills found for tracks. Weather or not a clear track is found, he stalks the area under full camo by both conventional and magical means. Spending the entirety of the nights in the woods, he alternates between observing from natural blinds to field stalking, ever alert to the wild calls from the Rawlins inhabitants.

    Rasuil would find tracks of a human wearing heavyish armour

  • Rasuil doubles his patrols around the Rawlins. Noting the carcasses being tended to, he takes an opposite approach to the situation from Yngdir.

    Dressed in his shadow leathers with his deadliest arrows filling his quivers, he carefully scans the area around any recent kills found for tracks. Weather or not a clear track is found, he stalks the area under full camo by both conventional and magical means. Spending the entirety of the nights in the woods, he alternates between observing from natural blinds to field stalking, ever alert to the wild calls from the Rawlins inhabitants.

  • Yngdír takes it upon himself to begin stalking the woods again, he spends little time trying to track or slay this apparent Malarite however - instead he appears to be doing something odd, and taking some portions of meat from the recent and unspoilt carcasses. As he had done during the Burning Man's slaughter of woodland creatures, Yngdír takes his time to bury exposed larger animals so as to prevent mass disease throughout the woods. The smaller carrion is thrown from travelled tracks and paths into deeper scrubland where predators or opportunistic animals will happily clean up the mess.

    On several occasions where the kills are fresh or the tendons are unspoilt Yngdír collects the sinews or even long, fine hairs or feathers from the slain beasts. Horn too, when it is good for taking.Though seldome will he collect and carry pelt or hide.

  • The bodies are still coming thick and fast. often with clear signs of struggle. Unpleasant scenes are still dotted around the forest. The bodies are just left without any meat removed and the skins left in tatters

  • @5b38f04136=northernlights:

    I have not seen the carcasses yet south of Norwick, but have noticed a lack of wildlife period….. will keep a keen eye out on Legion Patrols and will ask others in the hide trade if they have noticed the same.

    Danks Privates, report back ta me wit any information yas be gatherin, if yas needin elp wit some patrols o des land lettin mes know


    It doesn't appear that they were hunted for food nor hide from what I see.

    so yas sayin wha eva be killin dem just doin its fur sport? Dat dey just destroyin dem fur no reasons?

  • Hess of the Circle is seen looking an poking through some of the remains. Afterwards he buries the remnants, carefully dropping an acorn and some other leafy objects in the grave before recovering them with dirt.

    "I'd like to find out what did this. It doesn't appear that they were hunted for food nor hide from what I see. "

  • Labur not having been around during the first spell, doesn't see the message in blood. However, one day he was out keeping the gobbers numbers in check while looking for some tin ore. He first comes across a badger corpse that to say the least hardly looks like badger. Labur quickly dismisses it believing it was just a coyote or wild wolf out for a meal. He then comes across another one of these corpses, now thinking its a pack of wolves he proceeds with caution. Up ahead of him he spots a deer carcase, he quickly runs up and first notices that the body is still warm. He looks at the rip marks and finds it attacked by thin scratch marks. Labur looks around wildly and with a sense of fear, his mind racing as to what danger is out there, the only logically thing would be rats but rats taking down a full adult male deer? The ore is now the last thing on his mind as he runs back to Norwick. He asks merchant and adventures around the fire if they know anything about what is attacking the wildlife and if the circle has been notified.

  • After a short dry spell of these bodies, they have returned, the killings more vicious than normal.