Camp Rosenritter

  • Arlan thinks this is absolutely hilarious

  • The ten men fumble around with tent poles, often tripping over. A few manage to rip a hole in their tents. Then one, one man stands up triumphant next to a tent…

    "Duhhhh…new boss, I pitched a big tent!"

    The other men look at his tent in awe and then rush towards it, all cramming themselves into the tent until it tears open and they all fall out the sides

    "Nooooooooo! Momma tent!" he weeps.

  • Rico leads the procession of men a little up the Nars and to the East, near enough that the sounds of the camp's activities can be heard by travelers South of the Crossroads.

    Once there, he address the group.

    _I aim to teach you what it's like to be real men. You there, quit chuckling. I'm serious. glower and scowl A real man doesn't take. He's a provider. A real man isn't a thug. He's as strong as he needs to be, when he needs to be. A real man takes pride in his work. I want each of you to ask yourselves, what have you done in your lives that you are proud of? What stories have you for your sons, such that they might be inspired to surpass their fathers? What stories have you for your fathers and mothers, such that they may speak of you fondly? When you die and stand before the gods of heaven and earth, and they ask you the value of your soul, what will you tell them? I will tell you what I will say. A real man leaves this world better for knowing him. You have only to look at his works to know the weight of his soul.

    Now you're not men. You're mice dressed like men. And I aim to cure you of your mousy ways. I will teach you to fight! I will teach you, with a little help from my friends, to hunt! And I will teach you the pride of true manhood. The path you find in life after that is up to you.

    I am Rico Swift. stacatto I AM RIGHTEOUS! I serve the most beautiful lady of all creation, Sune, as her knight. I fight the evils of this land, but above all…

    his voice softens for a moment
    ...I seek to leave this world better for knowing me.

    his voice returns to the raucous tiber of the orator

    Now understand this! You've made me your leader. I don't want to be, but I am. That mean's what I say goes. Now I'm no tyrant. If you wish to leave, you may. I'll not stop you. But when you leave, you also leave the protection and aid I offer you. You'll work hard. You may even curse the day you met me. It will not be easy. It will not be quick. It will take as long as it takes. But while you are here, you will not lack for food or water. You will need fear no evil. In battle, I will defend you with my all of heart, my soul, my fury, and my body. What you need, I will give you. But what you want will wait for another day.

    Now, first lesson. Every man should know how to provide himself with shelter. Now I've done you mice a favor. I've brought you tents. And you have about twenty minutes left of daylight. So let's see if I'm wrong. Let's see if you're really men after all. You've got twenty minutes to setup camp or we're sleeping under the stars. And it looks like rain.

    He see's no one's moving, and briefly wonders if that's a good sign or a bad sign


  • Rain smirks and nods as she passes by Rico his brigade, making sure they aren't causing any trouble in town.

  • Hammerhand approaches Rico with questions.

  • @1f602f8b15=Marrow:

    Lyda pushes Arlan away

    "I'll help you, Rico"

    //That sounds like something out of sexual fanfic >>

  • Lyda pushes Arlan away

    "I'll help you, Rico"

  • Arlan hang around the back, Not to help or learn, Just to laugh

  • He also stops by the Militia HQ, the Defenders, The Far Scouts, and the Legion, and the Bardic College and asks him anyone else would like to help out.