Camp Rosenritter

  • _Word reaches the Campers of their Boss Rico's incarceration for punching a guard.

    Probably delivered via Hin-agram._

  • Thorn, sitting from a high cliff, watching the goings on, about as ammused at the goings on as Arlan! He keeps a carefull eye on Ash, overhearing her, he smiles.

    'I've never been more proud of my scout than now.'

    As she bounds off, he chuckles, darkness errupts from about him, swirling, then he's gone.

  • Danika steps out of the woods, frowning over the laughter and antics that followed the man's injury. After she has strung her own bow, the former Norwickian scout puts on a bright smile and takes up a spot on the line within a beginner's range of the targets.

    "Rico's right. It's not all about strength. The children in my village learn to shoot a bow before they are ten," she says in her painfully hoarse voice. "Do not strangle the string. The wood, the horn, the linen will respond if you let them. Feel it's voice in your fingers and it will do as you ask."

    She then walks through her own technique, point by point, emphasizing the art of the draw and release.

    ((CHA 10))

  • _By Sune's Bountiful Bosom…please, stop helping.

    addresses the men Tom's mistake was twofold. He pulled too far back on an untested string, and he bit down on his tongue. Work with the bowstrings for a few minutes, and don't bite your tongues…also, spread out about a bit or we're going to have some blackeyes too.

    A bow isn't about strength. The only strength you need is one to notch and pull. We will make bows as strong as you are, but for now, what you need is skill. And for that we must practice._

  • Raises her hand at Rico's question… Then smiles when he looks her way.

    He used a crappy bow. He didn't check to see if it was a crappy bow before he used it. He pulled at the wrong angle, with too much fist, not just fingers. He stuck his tongue out in thought which makes really no sense. He wasn't facing the target at the right angle, and used WAY more muscle then was needed. Biggest mistake? Going first, or at least not asking questions first… like, how do I use a bow?

    .... I guess if you asked him, he'd say his biggest mistake was waking up this morning. Or at least, once he gets back from the healers. Till then... um. Gra fomf tor gooo ut.

    Tilts her head sharply.. you hear that?

    Gets up and sprints off to the south…

  • _Arlan gives all the stooges the crossbows, He shows them how to load, wind, and fire the bolt straight. He also teaches them not to stick there tounges out of there mouth like a moron

    "Using a crossbow is somewhat simpler then a bow, Its just load and shoot. Dont need to judge how far you pull the string back, Just aim at the target, And pull the trigger"

    He sits behind cover and watches the chaos unfold_

  • Lyda backhands Arlan

    She then looks to Hammer
    "We don't cuddle enemies, we cuddle friends and family, cuddling enemies is stupid…"

  • Yes ma'am…Dont tell Loc ma'am....

  • _Rico re-examines the palm of his hand, percussively

    Alright. He's off to the healers. Now can anyone tell me what Tom did wrong?

    looks at Ash with a withering gaze_

  • Pulls five light crossbows and a few hundred bolts out of her pack.

    Teach. It was a simple order. Should I repeat it?

  • "Ok one, I use a crossbow.
    Two, No way, Its much more fun to watch Rico fail like this!

  • An energetic Ash places two arrows in the target as she jogs past going who knows where, much less -from- where. Turning a cartwheel she spots Arlan and snaps her fingers. "Be useful! Teach them how to use bows!" Before plopping down to watch juggling three rocks, one of them oddly looking almost like an onyx.

    Be MEN!

  • @b2474b637a=Vashpsycho:

    The first man stands ready, looking confident, it's the same man that finished his tent. He places an arrow down the sights and pulls back the string after stringing the bow quite well. He pokes the end of his tongue out and pulls back further, in a very good stance. Suddenly the bow string snaps and he punches himself in the face and bites down. The end of his tongue falls into the grass. He runs toward the other men screaming with blood streaming out of his mouth

    "AAWWWHHEELLP!" He screams

    The other men look afraid and shocked, they don't quite know what to do. So they all get their unstringed bows and start whacking the bleeding man with them.

    _Arlan finds this hilarious

    He then runs over to the poor man and pushes everyone aside and leads the bleeding and beaten man to the temple for healing_

  • Hammer watches with some amusement, arms crossed.
    "Maybe Sunites don't make the best trainers for warriors. Though, you could always teach them to cuddle their enemies."

  • The first man stands ready, looking confident, it's the same man that finished his tent. He places an arrow down the sights and pulls back the string after stringing the bow quite well. He pokes the end of his tongue out and pulls back further, in a very good stance. Suddenly the bow string snaps and he punches himself in the face and bites down. The end of his tongue falls into the grass. He runs toward the other men screaming with blood streaming out of his mouth

    "AAWWWHHEELLP!" He screams

    The other men look afraid and shocked, they don't quite know what to do. So they all get their unstringed bows and start whacking the bleeding man with them.

  • _Arlan finds a cushy place to watch

    "This will be great"_

  • _Rico's been neglecting the men lately with all the Shadows, so he shows up today with hunters bows and fishing poles. He then sets up a few placards against the trees and marks them with bulleyes.

    "I don't expect you to be the best fishermen or hunters. You shouldn't either. But know this, the better you hunt, the better you eat. There is venison and trout aplenty in the woods and streams around Norwick, but that doesn't do you any good if you can't get it onto your plate. So we'll start simple. Today I teach to hit a non-moving target, and in the evening we'll fish. If you catch something you eat like kings. King of the Paupers, but no less royal. If you don't, it's more hardtack and whatever fruit you can rustle up.

    Now, all you have to do is shoot the target with the bow. We'll concentrate on accuracy another day, today it's justs technique. If each of you can hit the target just once by this afternoon, I'll make sure you've meat for supper no matter how much fish you catch. Half of firing a bow, in defense of home, your king, or you stomach, is all about technique. The movements must be deliberate and controlled. Over time you'll learn to deal with the things you can't control, but right now we'll do deal with the ones you can. Now, each of you grab a bow and line up. We'll string them and fire them one at a time. I want you to get the feel of it first.

    sets the quiver of arrows down up front, not quite ready to trust the entire group with live ammunition_

  • Rico promptly closely examines the palm of his hand with an accompanying smACK!

  • Arlan thinks this is absolutely hilarious

  • The ten men fumble around with tent poles, often tripping over. A few manage to rip a hole in their tents. Then one, one man stands up triumphant next to a tent…

    "Duhhhh…new boss, I pitched a big tent!"

    The other men look at his tent in awe and then rush towards it, all cramming themselves into the tent until it tears open and they all fall out the sides

    "Nooooooooo! Momma tent!" he weeps.