
  • Legion

    Total number of questionnaires submitted: 42
    Some players chose to leave some answers blank.
    Current DMs were not included in the questionnaire.

    (What level is your highest level PC?)





    I think some players receive more DM attention than others, but it's hard to argue that that's necessarily unfair. Some players try harder than others, some even create their own events and might catch a DMs eye that way. And some are favoured because of various factors - familiarity and mutual liking between the player and the DM, playing times that match up well, a player having a PC that suits a particular plot very well etc.

    Also, I do think DMs ought to have fun themselves, and not just serve up adventure to the masses with solely an eye for equality.


    I think that part of it is because the high levels are so high they tend to think that they are the stars of Narfell, and because of this they take a more active role in events and then get more DM attention… higher levels can monopolize the experience and there is little the lower levels can do except accept it or leave or not participate.



    You don't see a DM online -ALL- the time. If there's someone willing and qualified, you should humour them. We are nowhere -near- a point where we should deny DMs due to having too many or enough DMs. Besides, letting DMs on might bring new ideas, new styles, and a fresh perspective.  Plus, there are some timezones that are woefully undermanned. Specifically the XXXX timezone. The few DMs we have for that time can only do so much to alleviate that emptiness.


    We need our DM's to be active. And we need to not put to much on any 1 DM. And we need our DM's to help our other DMs to DM.


    And sometimes I couldn't imagine the stress they can take on strictly by volunteering to help. But I think they should have a tryout session! Have anyone who's interested in DMing, come show what they can do, and have the DM's pick some new ones?! I think More DM's would increase the amount and quality of creative events, game changes, plots, and everything else a DM does.



    Average: That said, I think the DM to PC ratio is more generous than ever, but generally speaking, DM activity seems to come in waves. Sometimes there's plenty of events, sometimes weeks of drought.


    Consistent: Narfell is the -best- I've ever seen when it comes to DM presence. I very frequently see a DM on the player list when I log in - so I know they're there, even if they aren't sending goblin hordes at the south gate where I happen to be standing…


    Lacking: I feel that as my time in narfell has frequented, DM activity seems to be lacking from an almost perfect amount in the earlier part of this year.


    The most common thing that makes Narfell less fun: OOC drama.
    The most common thing that you look forward to when logging in to Narfell: Roleplaying.

    Your PL's personal recommendation:
    Ignore the OOC crap! Login to Narfell and ROLEPLAY!

    That's what I'll be doing.

    See you in game! 🙂

  • Legion

    Original Questions:


    How long ago was your first login to Narfell? (months)

    How long have you been playing on Narfell consistently? (2 mo. Break or more considered an inconsistency) (months)

    What is your highest level character's level?

    What is your primary play time? (Pick one: AUS, NA, EUR)

    Are you comfortable taking issues to the PG/PL team?


    How do you feel about DM activity? (Perfect: Always something going on | Consistant (Often things to do) | Average (Catch an event occasionally) | Lacking (Events are few and far between) Dismal (Where are the DMs?)

    Do you think that some players receive unfair amounts of DM attention?

    Why or in what way?

    Do you think the server would benefit from having more DMs?


    Name at least one thing that can make Narfell less fun for you.

    Name at least one thing that you look forward to when logging in to Narfell.

    If there was one thing you could change about Narfell what would it be?