Tindra gets herself to the healers...

  • Lune joins Fadia and Tojan, bearing stuffed animals - cats and unicorns,
    soft and cuddly. It's never too early to start children on those, after all.

    She giggles softly at the excited pixie, offering her a little wave before
    getting comfortable for the wait to see mother and children.

    "I wonder what names they'll decide on … "

  • Within the room…

    A disheveled Tindra rested on a bed, still and silent. The birth wasn't easy, with there being twins, but in the end two identical girls entered the world and neither mother nor daughter was much worse for wear. Jerrick's hand, unfortunately, throbbed with some pain from her grip earlier. Tindra didn't look that strong, but she sure squeezed his hand with a fierceness not expected.

    The twin babies slept in a bed nearby. Additional wood was warped by druidic powers to convert the bed into a crib. Light red hair covered the babies' heads, and their blue eyes were shut.

    Outside the room...

    Tojan the pixie buzzed happily around the room. "Kittens! Kittens! I've got new Kittens! Isn't it great, Violet?" the pixie exclaimed while zipping around the druid's head with such speed that her hair was getting messed up.

  • Troff walks off hearing the news with a small smile, and something glowing yellow on his right hand for the rest of the day

  • After a while, the Lathanderite priestess exits the room, a bright look in her honey eyes as she spoke out loud

    Two healthy and lovely twins have been successfully delivered to their parents. They have already been tended to, and they do not need further cares, other than their parents' love.

    I know you are all excited to see them, but I need to ask you to give them some privacy. Besides, it's the first time our lovely mom had a child, and it wasn't one, but two. She needs now a lot of rest.

    The Dawnbringer gave then a big smile to Tojan

    Just a bit more, Sparkly. You'll soon see the kittens. The wait is worth it, I promise.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _*Fadia waits patiently within the healer's outside of Lorie's room, making it known that should her medical services be needed, they are most certainly available.

    Otherwise, she simply remains outside, keeping the others company and staying all too close to the door as she waits for news of her sister's children!*_

  • There seems to be an elf atop the temple sitting on the roof. How he got up there is anyones guess. He seems to fidget quite a bit, occasionally moving to another spot on the roof, sitting, then moving again. Waiting (patiently?) for the hopefully good news.

  • The sun neared it's noon time zenith, shining brightly down on the town of Norwick. That raincloud on the horizon was a lot closer, however, and threatened to give the town a good drenching.

    Visitors to the healers' house would hear the occasional gasps and cries from Tindra in her room. From Rith could be heard hymns and prayers to Lathander, and druidic chants are heard from Jerrick. In between songs and prayers, soft words of comfort.

    Tojan the pixie fluttered around the lobby. She had a worried look and often glances at the door, but it was obvious her spirits were high.

    A few moments later, Tindra's voice pierced the air. There is a bustle of activity heard from her room. Prayers and words sound more urgent, authoritive tones of instruction.

    The pixie halts her pacing and stares at the door leading to Tindra's room. "Soon, Kitty… soon..."

  • _All that was seen from outside was Rith wearing a plain looking yellow robe as she opened the door for Jerrick. As he entered, Rith gave a smile and a wink to the pixie Tojan to let her know that everything was under control, then the door was shut once again.

    Immediately after, a prayer and a blessing can be heard. While it's hard to make out the words, all of them seem very light mooded, with possitive, joyful messages._

  • There is no warning, save for a flutter of wings before whoever guarding the door is dive bombed by a large haw-wait, no, it's a Jerrick. He slides to a stop having canceled his shift mid-air, and high speed, and almost slides past the door, only stopping thanks to a wild grab.

    Three spells are cast before he gets up the stairs. Two wisdom spells, and a 'create water' just after he strips off his armor and tosses it to someone nearby, putting on his clean healer's robe once he's washed himself off.

    He dissapears up the stairs in a rush.

  • ((
    sorry, I know this is hardly related – but I keep picturing this cinematic masterpiece with such AMAZING special effects... I am sure SOME of you will be old enough to remember it...


  • Troff wates outside the building. More than a little anxious and excited, just waiting for the good news, and offers a few prayers to Lathander and Selun for his friend.

  • A pixie flew into the building while the door was open briefly as people come and go. The little fey looked quite worried and concerned. "Kitty is having her Kittens now!" she exclaimed excitedly when inquired as to why she is here. Showing respect at the healers' instructions of staying out of the backroom and, the pixie was content enough to remain in the lobby and occasionally paced back and forth in the air.

    From the backroom, a few cries of pain could be heard. Did that last one sound kind of like a growl? Otherwise, there are no urgent calls and people seem to move about like they know what they are doing. For the moment, all that could be done was to wait…

  • Rith arrived swiftly as she was in Norwick at the moment, and sent -immediately- a message to Jerrick via 'Sending' spell. She gets Tindra to the back room and makes the appropriate preparations. She pays for the rent of the infirmary two days whole in advance, and instructs the healers to allow passage to none but Jerick himself. Rith also tips the healers generously for their kindness.

    // will have the proper amount of gold taken from Rith as soon as a DM is ingame //