Children of Wrath, but Men of War
((All are welcome into this Roleplay, This should include just general posts and roleplay about the hoarans and the roleplay that has been happening recently, plus DM interaction. Please keep all OOC knowledge OOC.))
After forcing a young hin theif to return an object back to the Hoarans, unknowingly and uncaringly what it was, Devlin may have been spied crossing through the Hoaran pass every so often, even once perhaps speaking with a young Hoaran woman.
When later speaking about this with some folks amonst Peltarch, Devlin says that he may be able to build a rapport with somebody by the name of Riselle, and would like to find a hin that originally thieved what was believed a Soulstone from the Hoarans. Devlin says that it was incinuated by this Riselle, and her 'brother' who eventually broke up this conversation in the pass, that this stone was here a long time ago and possible contains the soul of somebody, hell, maybe even Atol! It's incinuated that this Stone has a great amount of power, and may be used very soon.
Devlin has been seen rounding up support just in case. If there are attacks on travellers, word has it there is a plan to attack their gates and land.