Divine Revelry

  • It is said that a festival will soon be held in the honour of Siamorphe. Arranged by Lady Rose Hollowmoon, the parade of nobles shall start from the west gate, and go through each district of the city before comign to a halt in the Banshee where a feast will be held.

    Bards are asked to accompany the parade to Banshee to provide music.

    Any nobles that would wish to attend are asked to contact Rose for details.

    ((I know, on short notice - this will be held this Oscura night, around midnight GMT. So 12.30 hours from now.))

  • [Cray is sitting in the Coppers when he hears the news, he rubs his chin in thought.]

    _Isn't Siamorphe opposed to Bane and Cyric…

    This could be interesting._

    [smiles and makes it known that he plans to observe the festival]