Peltarch Beautification Project

  • _Senator Adrian Petrarch announces the Peltarch Beautification Project, visiting both local artisan guilds and speaking in public places about the project. The goal would be to improve the city's appearance and public places.

    Those who are interested are challenged to create an interesting and appealing design for one or more of the following. The winning design will be granted a budget to realise their design.

    500 gold for improvements to the Peltarch Commons
    1000 gold pieces for outer improvements to the new City Hall building
    2000 gold pieces for improvements to Ashald Park
    2500 gold pieces for improvements to ornamentation on the City Walls
    3000 gold pieces for general improvements to the Commerce District_

    ((Design Competition will run until October 23. Entries should be nwn toolset designs if possible, though other forms (such as drawings) will be accepted to if they convey the look well enough.
    For prices regarding materials or services, please contact the DM team.))

  • The contest is now closed. The winner of the competition for each segment will be contacted directly.

  • ((Last week, everyone!

  • Legion

    (For this one you need to set the elevation of sundial up by 0.02 and cast the 402 - SCENE_GRASS visual effect onto it. The flower beds are made of the seeweed placable and sunken flower vases)

    (For this effect you need to raise the sundial up a little bit and cast the 453 - SCENE_SOLID_ARCH visual effect onto it. You'd probably want to untick the sundials "usable" box and create a usable invisible item with the sundial script on it. Otherwise the whole arch will glow blue when the sundial is highlighted. Same with the grass script above.)

    (The star was made by laying the logs out on the portal feature, and then moving them to the desired spot. The hex of the portal was used as a guide to get the angle of each log right. The tree in the middle is set 0.02 higher and the 457 SCENE_GAZEBO visual effect was cast onto it.)

    (The 457 SCENE_GAZEBO visual effect on the sundial. You'd probably want to change that sundial for some other kind of placable. Sundials don't work as well once you have a tree trunk sticking out of the top of them. Seeing that the sundial is a bit of a historical landmark maybe this one would be useful somewhere else - like Ashald's Park.)

  • ((Bump! 1.5 week to go! Build, my little lemmings. Build!))

  • A package was sent anonymously to Adrian.

    When opened a slip of paper titled "general improvements to the Commerce District" falls out.

    Unerneth there is a plan of the Uppercity of Oscura.