Cerulean Ex-Captain looking for quality armor

  • Notices are left at the various town message boards in the land that the recently returned Cerulean Knight, Anakore, is looking for high quality armor. He is looking for high quality steel plate armor, as well as magical leathers and chain armors. Any who wish to make arrangements with him can send or leave a note at the Peltarch Theathre.

    ((Forum PM, IG or IRC are all options, as is a post here.))

  • Very pleased with the reactions so far (and going to look into a few of the suggestions still) Anakore puts up another note, this time letting it be known that he is looking for magical and masterwork Katana's. An enchantment is a boon, but he is especially looking for katana's with special properties.

    ((Same deal as before … He's very reachable in Peltarch. Feel free to let me know either via forum PM, post here or IRC))

  • Reriana meets him in person after finding out about this and sells him a masterwork steel fullplate she had available

  • A note will make it's way to him, stating the that Druid Jerrick owns Mastercrafted Silver Fullplate, and a Fine Half-Plate that he would like to sell.

  • Anakore would find that Nate is often seen hanging around the apple and fruits sales person, joking around and consuming lots of the sales person's wares.

    Otherwise, he's seen loitering the square, often sitting on a bench, asking passersby and other loitering adventurers if they've seen a "Maya" around, since apparently his trip to Norwick was fruitless… Or an Anakore, or a Zyphlin.

    ((I'm on fairly late on USEast time, around 9-11 PM! Hope to catch you sometime))

  • Anakore has no address to reply to, but is seen frequenting the commons more often, intent on every newcomer

  • Anakore recieves a note at the Peltarch Theatre.



    I don't have any quality armor about me; why, my best weaponry and equipment was confiscated a while ago during a certain incident involving crystals, which we shan't mention again. I do, however, have an urge to speak with an old friend.

    Shall we catch up sometime? I'm not sure my room is still open for me here at the theatre, so maybe I'll see you in the commons?

    Your friend,