Mark MacAllister

  • Height: 6'0"
    Weight: About 195 lbs
    Skin Tone: White, with a slight tan.
    Skin Texture: Rough
    Eyes: Deep blue iris with a light green ring around the pupil.
    Hair: Red, shoulder length, quite unkempt, with a few small braids and beads woven throughout.
    Accent: None
    Recognizable Features: Gray and Green Celtic Tattoos on his arms and torso covering a heavily scarred back, chest, and arms. Red facial hair forms a goatee that frames his mouth and chin, while the rest of his cheeks and neck are covered in a light red stubble.
    Commonly spoken languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan (Dwarven, Celestial, Goblinoid)
    Race: Human
    Equipment Worn: A set of masterfully made fullplate, that has been embossed in deep green and blue hues and a few designs etched into it that seems to have originated in the Moonshae Isles.
    Equipment Carried: A Masterwork bastardsword is sheathed in a simple hardened leather scabbard to his left hip and a metal tower shield with no emblem is strapped to his back. He doesn't seem to carry much else except a worn leather backpack.
    Left or Right Handed: Right handed
    Jewelery or Decorations: A small chain hangs from his neck, with a wooden carving of a sword and a shield overlapping. Doesn't seem to hold any religious meaning.
    Body Build: Broad shouldered and muscular, though not overly large.