Detective Zipwhistle
Character name: Detective Zipwhistle
Player Log-in: beng4evaSomething of an itinerant wanderer, Detective Zipwhistle has always made a living by his wits and sharp intellect. His current arrival in Narfell is simply one of a long list of places he's been to whilst looking for work, chasing a mark, or pursuing some sort of case.
He's not too sure about his age, or the manner of his birth, or where he is originally from. Raised by someone he's always called "Uncle", he spent his early years on the road, travelling from place to place. Eventually, one day, he started asking questions about his past, and when his Uncle refused to answer, he decided to find out for himself.
One night when they were near a largish hin settlement, he made sure his Uncle was good and drunk, and disappeared into the dark. His Uncle searched for him the next morning, but found not a single trace of Zipwhistle, because he'd been taken in by a locak Hinnish Ranger.
The Ranger who went by the nickname of Fang listened to Zipwhistle's story, and saw his chance to help a fellow hin. So, over the next few years, Fang taught Zipwhistle to hone his senses, to be aware of his surroundings, to take in every detail around him, and some basic woodslore and medicine.
Since then, he's made his way around the realms as a detective, hoping to find clues as to his family or homeland.
(( Yes, this is a short one. Simple character for a change
Reviewed, XP Pending!